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Either we have a ghost or I'm losing my marbles..

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This happened to my Dad but the 1st time it actually was a cat. Our old cat was never allowed upstairs and in fact she never tried to venture up there, my Dad wasn,t particularly fond of her , she was more my Mums cat and us children, the cat was just there and he tolerated her. One morning he was woken up by the cat jumping all over him meowing and trying to bite him, he pushed her off the bed and tried to go back to sleep she jumped on him again , this went on for about 10 minutes or so until he got very cross grabbed hold of her and was just about put her out of the front door when a policemen was just going to ring the doorbell. my grandfather (dads dad) had been found by the milkman collasped on the floor with Hyperthermia

The second time was many years later after my mum had passed away and the cat had long since gone, he was laying in bed half asleep and he says it felt like the cat had jumped on the bed yet again walked up the bed and he swears he heard a meow. Unknown to him i had had to rush my then young son up the hospital with bronchitis in early hrs of the morning.

My Dad is a complete sceptic but even he has to agree that our old moggie was trying to warn him something was going on.

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I've seen bits and pieces on TV before about cats being able to predict when something bad is going to happen. I particularly remember one where a nursing homes cat would take to someones bed a few days before they died. If i lived in that nursing home i would have been terrified of the thing.

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Yes me to , and I adore cats lol . I have also heard about animals that can pick up certain vibes, signals or whatever they might be called. My dog will sometimes run to the corner of my front room and wag her tail and carry on has if someone is making a fuss of her but theres no one there. I would like to think its my Mum , she loved dogs but my Dad would never allow her to have one. Certainly has never worried me or my kids. Who knows eh?

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With all due respect 0742, the very worst person to judge whether you're dropping off is yourself!


I remember my incident very well. I was in a state of mind I've never been aware of before or since. I actually heard somone coming into my room and thought about it happening at the time but I did nothing as I was half-asleep. I was in a state of mind between consciousness and sleep where you're aware of things but not responsive to them. When you fall asleep you don't go into it in one go but gradually and I was in the middle of it. I hadn't consumed anything legal or illegal - honest. I'd been listening to John Peel. Maybe it was Mark E Smith. The house has been knocked down now for a road so whatever it was is homeless or floating over a motorway.

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We had a ghost cat in our old home . Saw it quite a few times along with the old lady who lived there. Didn't believe in ghosts until then.She used to let all the neighbourhood cats into the house and feed them.Seems like they didn't want to leave . Must say it did used to frighten us.

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