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Bank bailouts. Where's the money coming from?

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So we renege on our debts ……….. that should make us popular around the world and then we say to millions of bank customers ……………. You are screwed, no savings, no pension and no house.


It's going to happen sooner or later. Sadly.

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Why are some people still saying things like we have to pay off the national debt, we got into this mess by borrowing too much etc... but can't see the connection with giving billions in bail outs to banks?


What's the matter with them?


Because they believe our warped press who feed them this bull each day. They refuse to look for the truth, and knock those who have worked it out.

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That’s how the system works :hihi::hihi: even the government gambles with our money ……… how many councils got caught out when they placed their money into Icelandic banks


It's how it works right now. It doesn't have to continue like this.

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It is not better to end sooner? How many more trillions should the public purse lose to out of control casino players?


It's all money that doesn't really exist anyway. That's the point. 30 years ago we were told industry was a thing of the past and 'financial services' was going to be the golden goose.


Now 'financial sevices' has turned out to be a slightly more brown coloured and smelly goose, industry and the essential manual skills are the only things which have kept fully functioning, although they are definitely starting to creak under the strain of bailing out the parasites.

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