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School bullies. Whats your opinion?

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Thanks for the suggestions. Some great, some not so great (violence not solving it andall that). Ive passed them on more to see where the land lies and at what stage they are at with the school. To my amazement and disgust another 3 kids have gone home from the little girls class today. I dont know the ins and outs but it was clear the broters were involved in some way.

According to my neighbour she and some other parents are (and this is after 18 months to 2 years in some cases as the school just love dragging its heals) at the 'complaint to the lea??' stage. Governeours seem unable or unwilling to step in. School denies theres a probelm but they DO allow the mum of the brothers to fetch her little cherubs up at a location and time that means they dont bump into any other parents.

The dad is banned from the school site for threatening the head teacher:roll:

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Thanks for the suggestions. Some great, some not so great (violence not solving it andall that). Ive passed them on more to see where the land lies and at what stage they are at with the school. To my amazement and disgust another 3 kids have gone home from the little girls class today. I dont know the ins and outs but it was clear the broters were involved in some way.

According to my neighbour she and some other parents are (and this is after 18 months to 2 years in some cases as the school just love dragging its heals) at the 'complaint to the lea??' stage. Governeours seem unable or unwilling to step in. School denies theres a probelm but they DO allow the mum of the brothers to fetch her little cherubs up at a location and time that means they dont bump into any other parents.

The dad is banned from the school site for threatening the head teacher:roll:


No doubting the dad was (and still is) a bully himself in his school days.


Get a group of parents together. Make banners/plaques etc. Invite the local media along and make a massive protest outside the school gates. Kick up a massive stink.


Bullies are the scum of the earth

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Thanks for the suggestions. Some great, some not so great (violence not solving it andall that). Ive passed them on more to see where the land lies and at what stage they are at with the school. To my amazement and disgust another 3 kids have gone home from the little girls class today. I dont know the ins and outs but it was clear the broters were involved in some way.

According to my neighbour she and some other parents are (and this is after 18 months to 2 years in some cases as the school just love dragging its heals) at the 'complaint to the lea??' stage. Governeours seem unable or unwilling to step in. School denies theres a probelm but they DO allow the mum of the brothers to fetch her little cherubs up at a location and time that means they dont bump into any other parents.

The dad is banned from the school site for threatening the head teacher:roll:

What a nightmare, I think at this stage the media should be contacted and the culprits and their parents named and shamed.

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Here is some information from the Sheffield City Council website on procedures once the usually routes within the School have been exhausted, as the School is refusing to take it seriously or even address the issues, I woould contact the Advice and Conciliation Service, then the Local Government Ombudsman. I would also notify the School that this is the next step that they're taking:

Beyond the school

The Advice and Conciliation Service

Before any action is considered it is essential that you discuss your concerns with the Advice and Conciliation Service. The Advice and Conciliation Service is an impartial Service based within Children and Young People’s Services and aims to help all sections of the Service in Sheffield become more responsive to comments, complaints, criticisms and suggestions from parents and carers, young people and other service users. The Advice and Conciliation Officer can be contacted on Sheffield 0114 2053938/2053939.


The Local Government Ombudsman

Complaints about school are almost always settled within school but in exceptional cases it may be possible to refer the problem to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The Local Government Ombudsman’s remit, has recently been extended to cover internal school management issues. From September 2010 parents in Sheffield can go to the Local Government Ombudsman if they feel they have an unresolved complaint and have suffered injustice as a result of the actions of a governing body. Further information is available on the LGO website at complaints about schools. The LGO Advice Team can be contacted on 0300 061 0614, by email at advice@lgo.org.uk, or by post at address PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV 0EH.

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There is obviously an underlying cause. Boys shouldn't bully girls, it's weak and cowardly and their parents should have told them that. Unless they don't care which is more than likely the case here.

It seems telling the teachers doesn't work so what other options are there?


My daughter was a victim of bullying- I told her to tell the teachers but nothing happened. So instead I told her if anybody hit her to hit them back. She did get in trouble for doing so- ironic, and so did I (however the person who told me off said she'd probably tell her kids to do the same in my situation but it's not school policy). I didn't apologise I just said I understood what she was saying but I will continue to tell her to hit back, I don't want my child being bullied at the end of the day. Incidentally the bullying stopped, she is now friends with said bully.

If this didn't work I would have found out who her parents were and had a word. And if this didn't sort the problem I have to admit, the child's mother would be on the recieving end of my fist. If you can't sort your kids out there is something wrong with you!

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Nobody should bully anybody, not just boys picking on girls!


Unfortunately until the school take it seriously you're a bit stuck, so I'm afraid I'd be making myself a fixture in the office until someone actually did something. In that time I'd be documenting what was said, threatened and done, along with when, where and who else saw it happen, in order that they could not deny that it is happening.


My school life was made very unpleasant by bullies and I still bear the scars, both physical and mental, from it.

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Nobody should bully anybody, not just boys picking on girls!


Unfortunately until the school take it seriously you're a bit stuck, so I'm afraid I'd be making myself a fixture in the office until someone actually did something. In that time I'd be documenting what was said, threatened and done, along with when, where and who else saw it happen, in order that they could not deny that it is happening.


My school life was made very unpleasant by bullies and I still bear the scars, both physical and mental, from it.


Thats awful :(

Bullying is so damaging, its one of the reasons im glad i dont have children of my own, but speaking of children ive been having a natter with her mum today. The little girl is off school with 'tummy ache' but mum suspects its more like fear. She has missed (including today) 6 days schooling in the last 3 weeks and shes turning from a little girl who loved school to one who hates it. Heres a little bit of irony for you all though. My neighbour took a call from school this morning. They asked why she wasnt in school and when mum gave the reason the school said 'well we will need a doctors note otherwise it will be an unauthorised adsence'. When asked what this meant in the long run the school (secretary i think) said " well if you have too many unauthorised absences then we send a report to social services"

2 things jump into my head.

1, Is she serious????

As far as i know the mum told the school she was keeping her daughter off as a result of bullying.

2, Why the hell dont they involved social services with these bullying brothers??

Anyway, my neighbour is popping round later and im going to show her this thread. She dosent have a user account so if she feels the need to post would anyone know if shes allowed to use my account?

Ill ask her to state that she isnt me when posting but im not sure of the rules on here.

Thanks loads for all your input everyone :)

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We have no rules against more than one person using an account- our rules are against one person using more than one account, not the other way round.


I sincerely hope that your neighbour finds a way to turn this around and get the school to take action in this instance, as bullying blights lives.

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