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School bullies. Whats your opinion?

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We have no rules against more than one person using an account- our rules are against one person using more than one account, not the other way round.


I sincerely hope that your neighbour finds a way to turn this around and get the school to take action in this instance, as bullying blights lives.


Thank you, Medusa :)

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Thats awful :(

Bullying is so damaging, its one of the reasons im glad i dont have children of my own, but speaking of children ive been having a natter with her mum today. The little girl is off school with 'tummy ache' but mum suspects its more like fear. She has missed (including today) 6 days schooling in the last 3 weeks and shes turning from a little girl who loved school to one who hates it. Heres a little bit of irony for you all though. My neighbour took a call from school this morning. They asked why she wasnt in school and when mum gave the reason the school said 'well we will need a doctors note otherwise it will be an unauthorised adsence'. When asked what this meant in the long run the school (secretary i think) said " well if you have too many unauthorised absences then we send a report to social services"

2 things jump into my head.

1, Is she serious????

As far as i know the mum told the school she was keeping her daughter off as a result of bullying.

2, Why the hell dont they involved social services with these bullying brothers??

Anyway, my neighbour is popping round later and im going to show her this thread. She dosent have a user account so if she feels the need to post would anyone know if shes allowed to use my account?

Ill ask her to state that she isnt me when posting but im not sure of the rules on here.

Thanks loads for all your input everyone :)


They notify educational welfare who will get involved if the child is missing a lot of school.


I really feel for your neighbour, we've had loads of issues of a similar nature at my daughter's school and the head was reluctant to accept that there was a serious problem. It took a group of parents writing to the School and copying in the governors before our concerns were taken seriously.


It sounds as if this situation is causing your neighbour's daughter some considerable stress and anxiety. That in itself is worth a visit to the GP, to get it on record as well as the requisite not and it bolster's their case against the school, if it can be demonstrated that this issue is having a detrimental effect on the child.

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It really is very important your neighbour nips this in the bud as soon as possible.


Speaking from experience, my kids suffered at the hands of bullies for much of their childhood. Authorities just fob you off and sweep it under the carpet. They have you believe they have their eye on the ball and you put your trust in them to put an end to it.


All the while, your kids scars cut deeper. Eventually your kids leave school, scars and all, having to make it in the big outside world. The bullies having taken away all their self confidence and worth. Believing all the other (unbullied) kids are far better than you. And that you're at the back of the race to find work.


Your neighbour must act and get her daughter out of this downward spiral. Believe me, this isn't an over-reaction. The scars will be with her forever but how deep do you want the scars to cut?


Bullies are pathetic excuses for human beings.

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I've never understood this really. If one child hits another, surely that is assault which is a criminal offence. What would the police say if a victim's family made a complaint to them?


As mentioned by someone else, keep a log of times, witnesses and photos.

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My son got bullied and the farther of the bully told me my son should toughen up so I sparked him out. Screw with my family and you get it right back. He saw me at the parents evening and walked the other way. Good job cos if his scroat of a son touches my son again I'll flatten him. His son never lived down the fact his dad got slotted for his sins. Yes the police were informed of the assult but took it no further action through lack of evidence.

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Firstly i have to say i have no kids, the child in question is my neighbours little girl but after hearing what she had to say i was in tears. Shes been getting bullied now for over a year by the same pair of brothers who have not only made her school life a misery but also the lives of most of the other children in the school. She (the mum) has spoken to the school about 6 or 7 times about it and always gets the same wet response of "well monitor the situation".

In the mean time her child and lots of other children in the school are getting bullied, bruised and hurt.

Several have changed schools and more have made offical complaints to the school and LEA.

My question is this.

Can she get a petition up and running to have the kids excluded permanantly?

She speaks to quite a few parents on a daily basis who have also had problems and are still having problems with these two.

These children are ferel, nasty and brutal.

One of them has a habbit of exposing himself to the girls in the toilets and yet the school take NO action!

Would a petition be the way to go or would it infringe on their rights (the brothers) in some way?


What about going to OFSTED do they have any powers? I don;t know as i dont have kids myself, but this needs nipping in the bud right now!! if he is exposing himself at this early stage what will it develop into!!

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What about going to OFSTED do they have any powers? I don;t know as i dont have kids myself, but this needs nipping in the bud right now!! if he is exposing himself at this early stage what will it develop into!!


Yep- I can see the headline- 'School ignore repeated sexual assault allegations from female pupils'

What kind of school is this???

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