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School bullies. Whats your opinion?

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I've never understood this really. If one child hits another, surely that is assault which is a criminal offence. What would the police say if a victim's family made a complaint to them?


As mentioned by someone else, keep a log of times, witnesses and photos.


The poilce say its because of their age.

I asked the police what would happen if the bullies did what they said they were going to do and 'get her' after school?

I told them i would definatly stop them hitting my daughter.

They said, Dont hurt them or mark them in any way or you will be the one facing charges :(

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Get the Sheffield Star involved. The family and the school need naming and shaming


With it been a school id rather not name it.

I will give the approx area though so if any parents have any concerns they can ask me via pm.

Its about 5 or 10 minutes walk from Gleadless Townend.

To be fair to the school though ill only answer a yes or no to any schools suggested. Sorry if this seems a bit, well i dont know but its a school and i dare say they have better lawyers than me anyway lol

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Am old school but mi dad always told me if a bully came up and hit me then hit him back harder and he wont bother you again,and it worked,but its totally different these days,if i did the same today i would probably get knifed the next day

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Thanks for the offer but no.

A group of parents are going to make an appointment with the head for as soon as we can. Several of us are taking in pictures and other evidence along with a petition and written ultimatum. Either those kids are removed or we remove our kids and hold a protest outside the school. Weve also been lucky enough to get some letters of complaints from 7 sets of parents who have moved schools because of the same brothers and any other evidence they may have.

We arent lawyers and we arent all proffesional people but we have had enough. Our kids havehad enough and we just have to get something done.

Of course its a shame we have had to take such drastic action but the head would simply not help.


Heres an example of her logic.

Parent..Id like you to stop **** and ****** from hitting my little girl

Head....I heard she hit them back.

Parent..Of course she did, she was out numbered and scared

Head....Thats besides the point.

Parent..Look, can you just stop them from bullying my daughter.

Head..Im not so sure its bullying


Head..Well there has to be two or more seperate incidents in a week for it to be considered bullying..

Parent..But this is the fourth time this week. She was bruised on 3 occasions and bruised and bloodied on the fourth.

Head..Well we can hardly call it bullying if shes prepared to hit back.

Parent..But she only hit back on the fourth time..!!!

Head..It shows shes toughening (sp?) up..





Hardly a vulcan is she :loopy:??

When another parent refered to the brothers as animals for how they behave she went mental. Defending the bullies like they were her own. This poor parent had snapped after trying for 6 months to get these boys to stop lacing into her daughter. Yes, its mostly girls by the way.

She was one of the parents who moved schools and has given aletter and some pictures..

Im sorry if ive not answered everyones questions.

Thanks so much for all your suggestions. Even the more primal suggestions have been useful. I wont be doing any hitting though. And i wont appologise for it but having said that my more passive way of dealing with things hasent work hence the boxing lessons.

If all else fails and the assaults dont stop, we will stop them ourselves!!!!!

This is absolutely appalling. Child safety and welfare are absolutely paramount and it sounds as if these children are not safe in school with the presence of these menacing brothers. I would ask for the Chair of Governors to be present at the meeting and get someone to minute it. I would also state that if the head is not prepared to deal with this issue then you will escalate things and involve the authorities and outside agencies. If your child is assaulted, you can report it to the police (I speak from experience). The school has a duty of care and is failing your children. Good luck and keep us posted. Above all, do not give in.

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My advice is this......... if the bullying is on a one to one basis then the bullied person should stand up to the bully.


I myself was bullied at school by a lad in the same year as me, I took it for weeks on end and told no-one just suffered in silence, the bully would wait at the school gates for me when it was time to go home and for no reason just hit me in the face - this happened almost every other day until it reached a stage I couldn't take anymore and I snapped.


I went for him and beat the S--t out of him, after that his attitude changed and he turned out to be one of my mates.


I'd like to make it known that I'm not a roughneck or someone who goes out looking for fights......quite the opposit - if anything I'm a pacifist.

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Do you know if the brothers in question have been excluded from another school? Also, have they got acknowledged learning or behavioural issues (is that called a statement?)?


I've been told (so it may not be true) that certain pupils earn the school more money in funding. I'm wondering whether that is the case here which is why the head is reluctant to get rid.


Do you know who the governors are? Do they have children themselves at school? One issue that I see is that schools are now been run as a business rather than an educational establishment and sometimes this is to the detriment of the pupils that want to do well.


Ask the head who the governors are and get a meeting with them. If they are not meeting your needs as a pupil's parent, have a word with the council and see if you can do a vote of no confidence.



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