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School bullies. Whats your opinion?

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Here's another site which is worth a look at, Parentview which was launched last month. Complete the questionnaire and get as many other disgruntled parents as possible to complete it, if a pattern of negative feedback emerges then it can trigger an OFSTED visit. You can view the results of any feedback, it's anonymised too.



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Hi all.

Im just in the process of putting together a letter for my neighbour and woul appreciate any tips or suggestions.

Id also be greatful if someone could proof read it for me?

Id send it via pm with all personal info deleted, im just after someone to cast their eye over it and see if it needs tweeking?

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Hi all.

Im just in the process of putting together a letter for my neighbour and woul appreciate any tips or suggestions.

Id also be greatful if someone could proof read it for me?

Id send it via pm with all personal info deleted, im just after someone to cast their eye over it and see if it needs tweeking?


Send it to me. Ill have a look. Im not a legal eagle or anything but ive written a fair few letters in my time.

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This is just so awful to read. I've never understood how some people seem to feel tormenting someone else is just the best thing ever. :loopy:


Our problem was exactly the opposite, where my son (about aged 12 at the time) was fine at school, a bully in our neighborhood was the problem. The other boy was the same age, and actually a former friend. He was the youngest in his family and the only boy and was quite indulged by both his parents. The bullying wasn't physical, because my son was taller and quite a bit more athletic, so the other kid started a campaign of gossip, lies and just general crap that went on for nearly TWO YEARS and had the entire neighborhood involved before it stopped. He also liked to talk, was quite manipulative, and was such a good liar, it was scary. Like psychopath scary.


My husband and I had been to talk with the bully's parents and nothing, nada. They refused to even entertain the idea that their little angel would do anything so awful. School vacations and summers were hell, because this kid just would NOT leave my son in peace.


The absolute last straw came one Christmas vacation. I was standing on the other side of our side gate, sweeping leaves, the gate was partly open. My son was in our driveway, fixing something on his bicycle. I heard a loud car engine and stereo, which stopped quite close. I peeped through the crack in the gate and saw several young men, about 19-20 years old, get out of the car and come onto our property and approach my son. They proceeded to cuss my son out, called him some very nasty names and told him they were waiting to kick his a** the next time they caught him alone. They then sauntered back to the car and drove off. The bully was sitting in the front seat, grinning from ear to ear.


I stepped out from behind the gate and my poor kid was clearly shaken up, but trying to hold it together. I asked him if he knew them, and he said no. But he thought they were the bully's older cousins. I had to think about this. My husband wasn't around. (not that they'd listen to him anyway) Calling the police was out of the question, the creeps would just deny everything. The bully's parents had been no help in the past and I doubted they'd do something now.


I'm not proud of what happened next, but I just was not going to allow my child to suffer a minute longer. I don't know what came over me. A few minutes later, the car drove back up the street, stereo blasting, and turned into the court where the bully lived. I walked to the corner and stopped behind some trees. I saw the bully standing in front of his house, shooting baskets. The cousins were nowhere in sight. I approached the bully and the kid actually blanched when he saw me. I guess the expression on my face wasn't good. I then proceeded (in a quiet voice) to tell him that this nonsense was stopping NOW. TO-DAY. If he ever, EVER, bothered my son again, or got someone ELSE to do it for him, I would personally take a baseball bat and break both his legs and anything else I could reach before they pulled me off. I used profanity and plenty of it. I also reminded him that I'd make bail before the casts on his body were dry, and that the ensuing restraining order and lawsuit would be well worth it because he'd made my son's life (and by extension MY life) hell and I was absolutely at the end of my rope and didn't care what happened anymore.


Guess what? All bullying magically stopped. From that moment on. I did get a visit from the bully's mother, about a month later. She told me her son said I'd threatened him, blah, blah, blah. I decided to take a page from the bully's playbook and told her "oh no, ma'am. I did no such thing!" Oh, but she insisted her kid never lies. Uh huh. I finally just said, "you have zero proof of anything, and as long as your kid leaves mine alone, things will be fine. Comprende? BYE!"


I do not recommend this method and still can hardly believe I did it, but it worked.

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I was bullied as a youngster, terribly effected my social skills in later life. However, it tends to be natural human behaviour in sorting out the pecking order within a social group. I'de always recommend martial arts trainng, but my dad made the mistake of taking me to the same gym as the bullies. Oh well. Voilence tends to be the only thing that young bullies understand. A good talking to just does nothing, never did back in the 80s, just got the victim a bigger kicking for snitching.

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