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Should cat owners be prosecuted if their cat kills/maims smaller animals?

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Sounds like a silly idea?


Well, when you consider that a dog gets put down when it bites someone, regardless of the circumstances it seems very unfair on the dog. If the dogs owner is a waste of space, or the dog is constantly being tormented, sometimes it may bite - the dog then gets put down, and the owner gets away scot free.


Contrast that with a cat, who is let out each and every day and often kills or maims smaller animals such as birds. The bird that has just been killed could be the mother to many baby birds, and if the mother dies then so do the baby birds.


So why are cat owners not made to pay for the actions of the cat? surely it is time that cat owners were taken to court and prosecuted?


Surely a case could be easily made with the cat and the owner in the dock, both could then be sentenced with the owner being sent to prison for murder? a sentence of 28 days could deter other cat owners?

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Are you confusing smaller animals with "someone"? As that seems to be the comparison you're drawing.


If a cat attacked a human it could probably be destroyed under similar legislation to a dog. A dog isn't destroyed for catching a rabbit or indeed a cat, so why should a cat be?


Your final sentence, what exactly would cat owners be deterred from? They aren't catching small animals themselves.

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It's long-established in UK law that dogs are controlled by their owners but cats are free spirits which just happen to eat/sleep with us and do their own thing without us being able to control their actions.


When somebody works out how to train cats the way we train dogs, and dissuade them from climbing trees, maybe the suggestion would work.

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Why does a dog get killed if it bites someone, and a cat doesn't have to face the consequences of its action?


Cats have no need to kill, they are fed, have a home, are warm and with this in mind, if they kill willy nilly are behaving like Colonel Gadaffi.


NO place in society

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When was the last time that a cat caused serious injury to a person? I don't recall.




They cause serious injury to animals like birds.


If a cat kills a mother bird, all the chicks die so in effect who whole family has been wiped out,


We have a dwindling number of birds, and for cats to kill in order to survive is nonsence

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