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Should cat owners be prosecuted if their cat kills/maims smaller animals?

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Actually most dogs will get away with one bite at a human, providing it isn't really serious. Oddly though they would be put down if caught worrying sheep.


If there were any practical possibility of cats attacking sheep, I daresay the same thing would apply - but of course that situation would never arise. Anything that is bigger than a cat, and mobile, is a thing to run away from. :hihi:

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Sounds like a silly idea?


Well, when you consider that a dog gets put down when it bites someone, regardless of the circumstances it seems very unfair on the dog. If the dogs owner is a waste of space, or the dog is constantly being tormented, sometimes it may bite - the dog then gets put down, and the owner gets away scot free.


Contrast that with a cat, who is let out each and every day and often kills or maims smaller animals such as birds. The bird that has just been killed could be the mother to many baby birds, and if the mother dies then so do the baby birds.


So why are cat owners not made to pay for the actions of the cat? surely it is time that cat owners were taken to court and prosecuted?


Surely a case could be easily made with the cat and the owner in the dock, both could then be sentenced with the owner being sent to prison for murder? a sentence of 28 days could deter other cat owners?


I think the cat should do the time if it does the crime or if killing a mouse or bird then they definitely should get the lethal injection for murder.

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Sounds like a silly idea?


Well, when you consider that a dog gets put down when it bites someone, regardless of the circumstances it seems very unfair on the dog. If the dogs owner is a waste of space, or the dog is constantly being tormented, sometimes it may bite - the dog then gets put down, and the owner gets away scot free.


Contrast that with a cat, who is let out each and every day and often kills or maims smaller animals such as birds. The bird that has just been killed could be the mother to many baby birds, and if the mother dies then so do the baby birds.


You seem to have made the mistake in thinking that cat == dog.


So why are cat owners not made to pay for the actions of the cat?


Because a cat isn't a dog?


surely it is time that cat owners were taken to court and prosecuted?


Under what law?


Surely a case could be easily made with the cat and the owner in the dock, both could then be sentenced with the owner being sent to prison for murder? a sentence of 28 days could deter other cat owners?


Only if a cat was a dog, which it isn't. I presume you make the comparison because you've never seen or looked after a cat, if you had the answer to your questions would be self evident.

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You seem to have made the mistake in thinking that cat == dog.


I think it's reasonable to ask that dangerous cats are treated in the same way as dangerous dogs. Any cat that mauls a human being and causes death, disfigurement or serious injury should indeed be put down.



What I don't understand is all this nonsense about putting a cat down for killing sparrows, mice and rabbits. Dogs kill small animals with impunity, so - again, expecting equal treatment - why are cats to be punished?

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