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Racist Pubs in sheff


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Mod hat on yet again:


Let's calm down folks... the exit is that way ----->>>>


Go outside, take a deep breath, look at the moon and the stars and remember that you're totally insignificant in the grand scheme of things.



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Originally posted by Tony

Mod hat on yet again:


Let's calm down folks... the exit is that way ----->>>>


Go outside, take a deep breath, look at the moon and the stars and remember that you're totally insignificant in the grand scheme of things.




your an hour n half late mate..try and keep up:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Originally posted by liencam

What's wrong with it? What's right with it (in the context of the setting)?


It is an inflamatory song, and may well have upset any Irish folks who'd nipped in to watch the game. And there are plenty of Irish folks who live in Sheffield.


Whilst I agree with the principle, I find it distasteful when voiced by the kind of tattoeed, larger-swilling mob who couldn't tell the difference between their @rse and their elbow. Racial tensions can be caused by many things, but one of the most dangerous results is the thoughtless targeting of an entire race, rather than the people who cause the original bad feeling.


Those singing in the pub wouldn't have hesitated to slap down any decent Irish Person who had questioned their choice of lyrics. English people were simply told to '**** off' and glared at.


These kind of comments and songs should be kept for organised rallies/protests. They do not belong in a city centre pub on a Saturday evening.

So basically ... you have no reason as to why it shouldn't be allowed other than that it causes 'racial tension' [funny since the IRA is not a race and not all Irish people support the IRA!] and that you do not approve of large English people singing songs that do not conform to your idea of harmony?


God help you if you ever listened to the songs football fans sing to each other in the stands. If you think 'no surrender to the IRA' is bad, I wonder what you think to the bigoted 'One Georgy Best' - obviously a pop at the less able players who, due to institutional elitism, are perceved to be not as good as Georgy was in his hey day. No doubt English skinhead hooligans would scream at any passing footballer who was not as good as Mr. Best, critising the 'inferior' player whilst similtaniously slapping down any Black or Asian man who dared to protest that their player was the best!


It's racist, I tells 'ya!


And once again, I hasten to add, No Surrender is not a racist song like you illogically believe: it is a song directed against sectarionism and terrorism. If the song was 'No surrender to the Irish' then that would be racist. But it's not.


I hope you have learnt a valuable life-lesson today. A shame that it had to be a mere child who had to explain the difference between racism and anti-terrorism.

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Originally posted by Ubiquitous

So basically ... you have no reason as to why it shouldn't be allowed other than that it causes 'racial tension' [funny since the IRA is not a race and not all Irish people support the IRA!] and that you do not approve of large English people singing songs that do not conform to your idea of harmony?


God help you if you ever listened to the songs football fans sing to each other in the stands. If you think 'no surrender to the IRA' is bad, I wonder what you think to the bigoted 'One Georgy Best' - obviously a pop at the less able players who, due to institutional elitism, are perceved to be not as good as Georgy was in his hey day. No doubt English skinhead hooligans would scream at any passing footballer who was not as good as Mr. Best, critising the 'inferior' player whilst similtaniously slapping down any Black or Asian man who dared to protest that their player was the best!


It's racist, I tells 'ya!


And once again, I hasten to add, No Surrender is not a racist song like you illogically believe: it is a song directed against sectarionism and terrorism. If the song was 'No surrender to the Irish' then that would be racist. But it's not.


I hope you have learnt a valuable life-lesson today. A shame that it had to be a mere child who had to explain the difference between racism and anti-terrorism.


First off, lets deal with the subject matter:


I never said the song was racist (1. show me where I did please), I pointed out that people singing it are unable to recognise the difference between Irish people and the IRA.


If an Irish person had asked them to stop singing they would have got a kicking. 2. Is that acceptable?


3. Do you remember the story of the paedophile who was outed by a national newspaper a couple of years ago? I think it was in Bournemouth (some southern costal town anyway).

The very same day a baying mob of hundreds laid siege outside his home, disregarding the sign on the wall saying 'PAEDIATRICIAN'. We have to accept that this is country we live in today, hence my point about racial tension. Please comment on this.


Now, as for your second paragraph, I am a football fan, and I attend plenty of matches, thank you very much. Your assumption that declaring George Best the greatest player ever (sthg more common for Man United fans rather than the greater footballing public) is racist is very amusing. But also very wrong.

Fans always laud their team's best player(s) and will freely give stick to opposition players who aren't as good, or who are playing badly, there is no malice in this however, it is all part of the banter of Football crowds.

From time to time things do get out of hand though. Both on the 'better player' level - this is usually limited to heated arguements and the occaisional fight - and also a more sinister level, goading relating to loss of life.

As a Liverpool fan I have seen both sides of this. I have seen a section of our fans poke fun at the Munich Air disaster. Similarly I have seen a section of Manchester United fans poke fun at the Hillsborough disaster.

The difference with me, and most other well balanced people, is that I understand it's only a small group of people singing these songs/chants etc - I don't tar every Man U fan with the same brush.

Unfortuantely there are people out there unable to see this difference, and it is they who cause a risk to society.


Now, if you've been paying attention you will notice I have placed thee numbers in this reply. I would like you to answer all numbered points questions, and have them on my desk by the morning.


PS - the atitude you display in your last para is shocking. But if you keep it up at school, I'm sure someone (like the people I mention above) will give you an atitude adjustment. Perhaps then you will have a frame of reference.

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Originally posted by kirky

idiot........i wish i could be arsed to spell it out for you but your obviouly a bit thick:rolleyes:


are you called lionel:|




you entered a thread on racism to offer the solution... if you don't like it, stay out of the pub


if you don't like it... ignore it


that is condoning racism


when challenged about this your only response is to insult me personally


you aren't in the school yard now, son... try growing up a bit


i feel embarassed that i need to explain things like this to you... you can work a computer, you really can't be that stupid... but it seems to me that you are incapable of holding a decent conversation let alone understanding concepts of basic human rights and the morals of a mob-rule society

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Originally posted by unnamed

you entered a thread on racism to offer the solution... if you don't like it, stay out of the pub


if you don't like it... ignore it


that is condoning racism


when challenged about this your only response is to insult me personally


you aren't in the school yard now, son... try growing up a bit


i feel embarassed that i need to explain things like this to you... you can work a computer, you really can't be that stupid... but it seems to me that you are incapable of holding a decent conversation let alone understanding concepts of basic human rights and the morals of a mob-rule society


i knew it wouldnt be long before the r word was shouted out


shame on you mrs :suspect:

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