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If a restaurant said a sauce was suitable for vegetarians but you later..

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THese vege threads make me laugh..


Question for vegetarians....Do you drink Wine and Beer ? ..... IT IS NOT VEGETARIAN.


ISINGLASS which is made from ground cod intestines is used to clarify the wine and beer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isinglass


It's amazing how many go to such lengths to avoid meat and just don't worry about the beer and wine

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I'm not really anti veggie of course ( I say this just in case there are any stunningly attractive female vegetarians reading this).


But they do cause me a problem - at least, one does.


My niece, God bless her. I mean, she's lovely, but she's a veggie since her teens. I can remember her tucking into to meat and veg as a kid quite happily, then she got to an age where mum and dad's choice in music wasn't cool anymore and she wanted to be her own person - turning to a veggie was one small step on the road to being her own person - it upset her parents so much she wanted to do it even more. (At least, that's my take on things).


Now, bless her (again), despite being a veggie, she is enormous. I mean, she must be heavier than me - and I'm 6' of solid muscle (that is a foot sign a put there isn't it?). Quite how she can be so large, if she's only eating veg, I don't know. I mean, she must be eating whole fields full of turnips and potatoes for tea. Actually, I suspect she eats a lot of chocolate because it releases the same type of hormones (endauphines) that she would get released a lot more often if she wasn't so large perhaps.;)


Anyhow, she comes to my house one sunday - she rang me about an hour before she arrived - I'd had no previous notice. I says to her, "you're welcome to drop in - we'll be having lunch in about an hour - you can join us if you like - although I'm not sure what you will have because we're doing the traditional sunday roast". "Oh that's fine" she says. "Don't worry about me" - so I didn't.


She turns up and says, "I don't want any meat, but I'll have some veg and Yorkshire pudding". "Fair enough" I say. "I'd better not give you any roasties though as they've been cooked with the meat". "I love roasties" she says and sticks some on her plate. Then, "pass me the gravy". "Hang on" I said, "it's not out of a packet y'know - this is made with meat juices and beef stock" "Fine" she says. And she lapped it up.


Then another time she drops in when we are having a barbecue. This time she gives me a bit more notice and I buy, at her suggestion, some Linda McCartney veggie sausages - which proceed to fall through the grill and disentegrate on the charcoals when you cook them! "Have you had these barbecued before?" I ask tentatively, as I try and pull the remains from the fire with the tongs.


I think it's fine if you don't like the taste of meat or whatever, but when folks get on their high horse about it - and then exhibit double standards it makes me rather vexed and perplexed!:suspect:

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If i ran a restaurent I wouldn't offer a vegetarian option, it's too much grief, I'd just advertise as "not suitable for vegetarins", afterall it's not like vegetarian restaurants offer a meat dish.


That would be fair enough - everyone would know what was what.


The issue here is a restaurant falsely claiming food was suitable for vegetarians when it wasn't.

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THese vege threads make me laugh..


Question for vegetarians....Do you drink Wine and Beer ? ..... IT IS NOT VEGETARIAN.


ISINGLASS which is made from ground cod intestines is used to clarify the wine and beer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isinglass


It's amazing how many go to such lengths to avoid meat and just don't worry about the beer and wine


veggie wine is:loopy:

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If i ran a restaurent I wouldn't offer a vegetarian option, it's too much grief, I'd just advertise as "not suitable for vegetarins", afterall it's not like vegetarian restaurants offer a meat dish.


The Bohemian used to



........it's closed now

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I think you should try and put the whole traumatic experience behind you and move on. I know this awful event probably disturbed you deeply but hopefully, the few molecules of animal related by product that was in the sauce didn't make you too ill and your veggie credentials remain intact. Avoid the restaurant in future and ...chin up!!

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