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How much money must Facebook, Youtube and eBay pay Google?

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Using Google you only have to type F and Facebook is the first search suggestion; ditto with Y for Youtube and e for eBay.


Facebook, Youtube and eBay must pay through the nose for this surely.


Well, not YouTube because it's part of Google. You could be right, but also Google always suggests the most popular searches from the first letters....


Type in "pi" and piles comes up. I doubt the haemorrhoid associate pay owt.

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"she" comes up with Sheffield Forum.

"myfavo" comes up with my own website.


It's all to do with cookies and recent visits made to websites.

Oh and a bit of work from site owners to get recognised too.


Facebook , youtube, etc get so many hits from everywhere that google will obviously suggest them from just the letter "F" and "Y".

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The auto suggestions feature on Google is simply based on the most popular searches people are making.


However, there is some manipulation going on, and that's been admitted by Google. They have purposely changed the suggestions was under pressure from the entertainment industry to remove words like 'torrent' after the name of popular films etc.


Actually, just checked, and if you just type the single word 'torrent', nothing comes up at all (in the auto suggestion box).

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