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Halal meat - ignore it, or eat it?

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I thought the thread was about Halal and Muslims, but I suppose it does apply to jews too.


As for vegetarians, Vegans and others that choose not to eat pork, or any other meat, they are not forbidden from eating pork, they are choosing not to eat it, thats the difference.


same difference


if you CHOOSE to be a muslim or choose to STAY a muslim its YOUR choice to be forbidden from eating it


if YOUR a vegi etc its YOUR choice (unless it makes you ill then its not a choice) and in a way its forbidden to eat meat because otherwise youd look rather silly eating meat and being a vegi


so really both are exactly the same

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same difference


if you CHOOSE to be a muslim or choose to STAY a muslim its YOUR choice to be forbidden from eating it


if YOUR a vegi etc its YOUR choice (unless it makes you ill then its not a choice) and in a way its forbidden to eat meat because otherwise youd look rather silly eating meat and being a vegi


so really both are exactly the same


Exactly mel...............

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Being forbidden, as a Muslim, from eating pork products and a non-Muslim person choosing to be vegetarian/vegan and not eat any meat in general is not quite the same thing is it really? nothing, apart from their own personal principles, is forbidding a non-Muslim vegetarian from eating pork, whereas for Muslims there is a religious doctrine that forbids it.

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Being forbidden, as a Muslim, from eating pork products and a non-Muslim person choosing to be vegetarian/vegan and not eat any meat in general is not quite the same thing is it really? nothing, apart from their own personal principles, is forbidding a non-Muslim vegetarian from eating pork, whereas for Muslims there is a religious doctrine that forbids it.


as i said


do muslims CHOOSE to be a muslim and so follow ALL its practices just like CHOOSing to become a vegetarian, vegan?


you could also say ALL meat eaters dont have a choice either because its how they were brought up, following a tradition, scared to buck the trend?

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In a world where you can communicate with people from different time zones with the push of a button, perform the most amazing surgeries on the human body and orbit the earth in a man-made vessel we're still chanting to the invisible sky-man to bless our food. Embarrassing.


When you think about it, these incantations were meant to be chanted when the killing of an animal was a rare thing, in ancient tribes in the desert.

They were probably meant sincerely then, and the meat was truly sacred.


Move forward 1300 years, to a mass slaughter house, with thousands of animals a day being slaughtered, for so called Halal meat.

The slaughter man cannot possibly believe his prayers or have any understanding of them, he is just a slaughterman, not a priest.

So the meat is not Halal at all.

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as i said


do muslims CHOOSE to be a muslim and so follow ALL its practices just like CHOOSing to become a vegetarian, vegan?


you could also say ALL meat eaters dont have a choice either because its how they were brought up, following a tradition, scared to buck the trend?


That's a bit silly. We're given meat by our parents if they themselves are meat eaters. Later if we wish to we make the choice to not eat meat.

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