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Halal meat - ignore it, or eat it?

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as i said


do muslims CHOOSE to be a muslim and so follow ALL its practices just like CHOOSing to become a vegetarian, vegan?


you could also say ALL meat eaters dont have a choice either because its how they were brought up, following a tradition, scared to buck the trend?


In the main, non-Muslims in Britain are excercising their freedom to choose to be vegetarian and not eat meat, they could change their minds one day and start meat eating if they wanted to, whereas Muslims are simply forbidden by strict religious doctrine from eating pork, that is the difference and it is this particular aspect of Islam(and Judaism) that is unfortunately incompatible with British society.

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Being forbidden, as a Muslim, from eating pork products and a non-Muslim person choosing to be vegetarian/vegan and not eat any meat in general is not quite the same thing is it really? nothing, apart from their own personal principles, is forbidding a non-Muslim vegetarian from eating pork, whereas for Muslims there is a religious doctrine that forbids it.


But your point was about alienation ...

Muslims kind of alienate themselves from British society by not being able to eat these things.


Surely vegetarians and vegans and other non-religious abstainers from pork "alienate themselves from British society" even more than Muslims (and Jews) by choice because you feel that Muslims, being forbidden don't really have a choice?

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In the main, non-Muslims in Britain are excercising their freedom to choose to be vegetarian and not eat meat, whereas Muslims are simply forbidden by strict religious doctrine from eating pork, that is the difference and it is this particular aspect of Islam(and Judaism) that is unfortunately incompatible with British society.


No one is forbidding you, except yourself.

This is a free country you can do as you please.

You could eat what you like, when you like and no one would stop you.


if someone is bullying you into doing something, do something about it.

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When you think about it, these incantations were meant to be chanted when the killing of an animal was a rare thing, in ancient tribes in the desert.

They were probably meant sincerely then, and the meat was truly sacred.


Move forward 1300 years, to a mass slaughter house, with thousands of animals a day being slaughtered, for so called Halal meat.

The slaughter man cannot possibly believe his prayers or have any understanding of them, he is just a slaughterman, not a priest.

So the meat is not Halal at all.


You don't have to be an Imam to perform halal slaughter and being halal is not just about reciting a prayer before slaughter.

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In the main, non-Muslims in Britain are excercising their freedom to choose to be vegetarian and not eat meat, they could change their minds one day and start meat eating if they wanted to, whereas Muslims are simply forbidden by strict religious doctrine from eating pork, that is the difference and it is this particular aspect of Islam(and Judaism) that is unfortunately incompatible with British society.


you really are missing the point by a wide margin, not surprising, happens with most people against islam


muslims CHOOSE to be muslim, or choose to STAY muslim


having chosen they then HAVE to follow the practices


same as vegies choose to be veggie and then have to follow vegetarian practices

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In the main, non-Muslims in Britain are excercising their freedom to choose to be vegetarian and not eat meat, they could change their minds one day and start meat eating if they wanted to, whereas Muslims are simply forbidden by strict religious doctrine from eating pork, that is the difference and it is this particular aspect of Islam(and Judaism) that is unfortunately incompatible with British society.


I love bacon, pork chops, roast pork, black pudding but I really don't like gammon and can't stand british ham (though i do like serrano ham). Am i incompatible with British society? How much of a pig should we eat and how regularly and which curing methods should be used in order for us to be part of British society? If someone likes a roast pork sarnie but doesn't like crackling should we shun them? What is the maximum period a citizen could go without eating bits of pig before being banished into exile by the angry citizenry?

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I love bacon, pork chops, roast pork, black pudding but I really don't like gammon and can't stand british ham (though i do like serrano ham). Am i incompatible with British society? How much of a pig should we eat and how regularly and which curing methods should be used in order for us to be part of British society? If someone likes a roast pork sarnie but doesn't like crackling should we shun them? What is the maximum period a citizen could go without eating bits of pig before being banished into exile by the angry citizenry?

ah but that doesnt count he had his fingers crossed, and it never mentioned the evil I or M words either

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You don't have to be an Imam to perform halal slaughter and being halal is not just about reciting a prayer before slaughter.


I know, its about carrying carcases about in the back of unsealed wagons, and leaving guts and blood all over the road as well isnt it.

its bad enough in a car to drive through that, but I know of at least one bloke on a motorbike slid off into it, and was covered in the mess.

They were shut down but moved operations and carried on as before.

These were big concerns and had little to do with religion, but all to do with making money.

Hypocracy its called.

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Two bunches of people immersed in dark-age superstition arguing over mass slaughter for profit and whether to chant mumbo-jumbo whilst doing so.....


For an example of "civilised western" meat production. Perhaps this will interest the OP, given the liking for KFC and the concerns for animal welfare....




I detest KFC and their practices. Making animals suffer for our convenience. Don't eat any meat and make the world a better place.

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I know, its about carrying carcases about in the back of unsealed wagons, and leaving guts and blood all over the road as well isnt it.

its bad enough in a car to drive through that, but I know of at least one bloke on a motorbike slid off into it, and was covered in the mess.

They were shut down but moved operations and carried on as before.

These were big concerns and had little to do with religion, but all to do with making money.

Hypocracy its called.


What a load of crock, if this was going on openly do you think we muslims would be turning a blind eye? We have to eat it so there is no way we would allow this

If you believe this then you really don't understand about halal at all apart from the obvious propaganda you are fed.

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