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Halal meat - ignore it, or eat it?

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In a world where you can communicate with people from different time zones with the push of a button, perform the most amazing surgeries on the human body and orbit the earth in a man-made vessel we're still chanting to the invisible sky-man to bless our food. Embarrassing.
In a world where you can communicate with people from different time zones with the push of a button, perform the most amazing surgeries on the human body and orbit the earth in a man-made vessel,


...... that we're still farming, slaughtering and eating sentient creatures that co inhabit our world, [especially ]when the feed that they eat far out ways the protein value that they can ever yield as meat .....


That's beyond embarrassing.

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In a world where you can communicate with people from different time zones with the push of a button, perform the most amazing surgeries on the human body and orbit the earth in a man-made vessel,


...... that we're still farming, slaughtering and eating sentient creatures that co inhabit our world, [especially ]when the feed that they eat far out ways the protein value that they can ever yield as meat .....


That's beyond embarrassing.


Grrr! You knew I was going to post just after you just so you could embarrass me, dint ya?:rant:


<slings bleached clean lamb bone in bin>

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So halal slaughter has nothing to do with religion at all then?

The animal has no incantations chanted over it, or anything to do with god, or allah whatever.

It is merely that they like to see animals killed in this fashion, before eating them?

Why do they make such a big deal out it?

meat is meat, it is no more holy if it is left to bleed to death, than if the humane killer takes its brains out.

It seems a bit silly really.

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A lot more people would grow up being vegetarians if they were indoctrinated into the process from early childhood as they are with religion. Being a Muslim or Christian is not a 'choice' for most people. As for choosing to 'Stay a Muslim', the penalty for leaving the faith is death. Get real.


That's odd- that the Quran refers to apostasy several times (2:217, 3:86-90, 4:137, 9:66, 9:74, 16:106-109, 4:88-91, 47:25-27) and yet does not prescribe any punishment for it.


So perhaps it's time you got real.:rolleyes:

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I think that a lot of people have irrational preferences about meat and this is just another one of them for most who will not eat halal. There are lots of meats that I won't eat yet I could not really give a rational justifcation for being squeamish about some meats and not others. Why can people just not be allowed to not want to eat halal or kosher meat without it being turned into some huge racial issue? :rolleyes:

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I think that a lot of people have irrational preferences about meat and this is just another one of them for most who will not eat halal. There are lots of meats that I won't eat yet I could not really give a rational justifcation for being sqeamish about some meats and not others. Why can people just not be allowed to not want to eat halal or kosher meat without it being turned into some huge racial issue? :rolleyes:



Because racist bigots, like the poor, will always be with us.

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Because racist bigots, like the poor, will always be with us.


Which is why I qualified my post with 'most' people. Why should the default position be to accuse anyone who has an issue with anything remotely Islamic of racism? Why should people be tolerant of intolerance. Religion breeds intolerance and it works both ways.

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