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Halal meat - ignore it, or eat it?

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Two bunches of people immersed in dark-age superstition arguing over mass slaughter for profit and whether to chant mumbo-jumbo whilst doing so.....


For an example of "civilised western" meat production. Perhaps this will interest the OP, given the liking for KFC and the concerns for animal welfare....




A poor video made by PETA from at least 3 years ago and in a foreign country. It shows the same dead chicks over and over (which happens in any battery farmed environment) and it claims they suffer from 'callus workers' when the person in the video is simply making his way across the pen, trying not to damage any chicks.


If that is the best you can up with, you wont be scaring many people away from KFC.

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I don't believe halal/kosher is the law but luckily we live in a country where the choice is available






Sadly we the majority do not have a choice, we the majority would be taken to court and prosecuted for cruelty to animals. We cannot kill an animal until it has been humanely stunned first; Not hoisted into the air and its throat slit while someone mumbles mumbo jumbo while it is still alive and bleeding to death.





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Halal meat - ignore it, or eat it?


I never give it a thought, I eat kebab, I imagine its halal meat, the meat in the supermarket doesn’t say halal so if it is how would a Muslim know and if they don’t know what would be the point in selling it.

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I never give it a thought, I eat kebab, I imagine its halal meat, the meat in the supermarket doesn’t say halal so if it is how would a Muslim know and if they don’t know what would be the point in selling it.


My Bold=


Very good point you raise there, the op is just stiring things up.

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I never give it a thought, I eat kebab, I imagine its halal meat, the meat in the supermarket doesn’t say halal so if it is how would a Muslim know and if they don’t know what would be the point in selling it.


I have a friend in the trade who supplies a lot of kebab meat and chicken to take aways and can tell you for a fact that a lot of it is not halal..

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Do you believe in the saying "you are what you eat"? I think you know where I'm going with this.


......given that pigs arn't actually any "dirtyer" than any other animal, and more inteligent than the other animals we eat.........

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I never give it a thought, I eat kebab, I imagine its halal meat, the meat in the supermarket doesn’t say halal so if it is how would a Muslim know and if they don’t know what would be the point in selling it.


I thought supermarkets informed you if meat was halal.

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