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Halal meat - ignore it, or eat it?

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Sadly we the majority do not have a choice, we the majority would be taken to court and prosecuted for cruelty to animals. We cannot kill an animal until it has been humanely stunned first; Not hoisted into the air and its throat slit while someone mumbles mumbo jumbo while it is still alive and bleeding to death.






I Love Kosher and will continue eating it til the day I die.

All meat is cruelty animals. You do have a choice I don't see it being rammed down your throat. Stop constantly bleating about anything to do with muslims. Halal and kosher are legal methods of slaughter deal with it.



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Why do you think there’s so many farmers up in arms because their cattle is being stolen from them, where does this end up, I’ll give you 1 guess. illegal Halal Cutting centres


a lot of british meat is actually exported in to the eu,thats one of the reasons we have to have a uk licence number so it can be tracked from farm to where ever it may end up,weather it's the uk or europe

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I thought supermarkets informed you if meat was halal.


They might do but I've never seen it, I pick up what looks a nice cut of meat, cook it and eat. I will look next time I shop but it wouldn't make any difference if it is or isn't.

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Which other animal eats it's own excrement?


I thought that that was a myth. They only eat their own excrement if they have absolutely nothing else to eat. Pigs get a really bad press, they are actually clean animal and only wallow in mud to cool off as they don't sweat.

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The answer is quite simple. In the develpoed world things progressed, old silly habits were discarded.

Electric stunning did not exist when the Halal rules came into being.

It should be one law/rule for all, if the regulations in the country have decided that an humane method should be used then end of story no falling back on a medieval tradition.


So you would feel the same way about Jewish slaughter methods then- meaning Shechita.

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