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Old 'homeless' guy unprovokedly attacked & they think its funny

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Well after reading all the messages below it looks like he has a whole heap of pain coming his way. It looks like they've given his name out as well ooops!


So they should, low life cowards deserved to me named and shamed. Nice to see lady trying to help old guy and phoning for help

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I was at a school the other day and came across kids laughing at this video, even though i'm from Gleadless I was truly shocked to find so many kids laughing at this video.


I know hip hop is very influential and often attracts a disproportionate of lowlifes anyhow, but generally its other gangs and not random unprovoked assaults on poor homeless guys.


I'm actually against the death penalty for murderers but would make exceptions for specimens who behave like this and his mates who find it amusing, or am i over reacting?


God, that truly shocked me.


It saddens me that we all start out the same as babies and what becomes of us is determined by the twists and turns of life. Everyone's got a story.


As for the scumbag who knocked him out - I genuinely hope someone bigger sees this and kicks his head in!

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God, that truly shocked me.


It saddens me that we all start out the same as babies and what becomes of us is determined by the twists and turns of life. Everyone's got a story.


As for the scumbag who knocked him out - I genuinely hope someone bigger sees this and kicks his head in!


It would appear that the city of Chicago might grant your wish if farcebook is anything to go by.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope you brought it to the attention of the the childrens teacher. Did you?


Edit - yes, of course you're overreacting if you think a child should be killed for having a sick sense of humour.


Yes, it is a school in the East Midlands which is very good and the incident is still being dealt with.


Sorry I was posting from a semi-broken Blackberry in traffic and didn't make my point very clear, I meant how come I personally found this clip shocking yet the the young children / adults didn't?

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Yes, it is a school in the East Midlands which is very good and the incident is still being dealt with.


Sorry I was posting from a semi-broken Blackberry in traffic and didn't make my point very clear, I meant how come I personally found this clip shocking yet the the young children / adults didn't?


I would imagine that they've become desensitised to violence, perhaps through long hours spent on video games.

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  • 4 weeks later...
If you're right then what was the cause of violence before video games?


There was no violence before video games. Not if you don't count world wars and stuff.


Seriously now, that video is disgusting and abhorrent behaviour.

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I was at a school the other day and came across kids laughing at this video, even though i'm from Gleadless I was truly shocked to find so many kids laughing at this video.


I know hip hop is very influential and often attracts a disproportionate of lowlifes anyhow, but generally its other gangs and not random unprovoked assaults on poor homeless guys.


I'm actually against the death penalty for murderers but would make exceptions for specimens who behave like this and his mates who find it amusing, or am i over reacting?


What has Gleadless got to do with it? It's not exactly the Bronx.


I have pretty extreme views when it comes to certain crimes but i wouldn't be asking for this guy and his friends lives in this case. 20 years behind bars should do it.

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