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Anyone know the Limes Pub


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When i was a kid i lived on some road that was quite a steep hill out of town. It had a spud'u'like at the bottom and I think the limes pub was on the same road. Not 100% sure if it was a working mans club or a pub but i seem to remember it being called the limes. It's a long shot from that description i know but if anyone can tell me where I am on about so i can look on google maps that would be great. I seem to remember being able to see a hill in the distance with a black part on it that looked like coal and it had a crane. You could see this to the right as you looked down the hill towards town.

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Yes... Yes.. That is it. Thanks... I stumbled on the barnsley road whilst trying to locate the hill i used to race buses up as a kid. I thought this is the road I am sure of it, and i thought that residential home could be the limes but i remember it being bigger but i was only 7 or 8 at the time everything was bigger then.


Thanks so much for confirming that was indeed the right place. I see they have knocked down the deralict houses down the hill from the limes on the left, they havn't put anything else there though. WOW what a blast from the past. I won an airfix model ship at a dance competition in the limes LOL.

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My grandma took me there, I think she played tombola or something. There was a contest for kids, I was about 5 and I snuck off and sang I Had A Little Nut Tree on the stage. Grandma was upset at me doing that without her knowledge, I did win a packet of sweets though. :D

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