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Anyone know the Limes Pub


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The only Limes I can remember used to be on Barnsley Road, up the hill from the Northern General hospital. Theres a residential home there now.


On 1905 map it's marked as a residence called The Limes. don't know when it became a W M Club but my uncle used to get me on the day trips to Cleethorpes in the early 50's . Became a member late 60's,

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Here's a link to a photo of the "Limes Club" on the picturesheffield.com site. It seems the building was demolished in the 1990s (another link) - such a pity as it was evidently a fine building. The 1911 census return shows that the house was then occupied by Henry Sayer, a retired solicitor, with his family and a bevy of servants. To judge from local directories, the building must have become a club in about the 1930s.

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Here's a link to a photo of the "Limes Club" on the picturesheffield.com site. It seems the building was demolished in the 1990s (another link) - such a pity as it was evidently a fine building. The 1911 census return shows that the house was then occupied by Henry Sayer, a retired solicitor, with his family and a bevy of servants. To judge from local directories, the building must have become a club in about the 1930s.


Strange, the second pic shows the building derelict with a date of 1990. I remember going in there with my then girlfriend around 1994. Either it got fixed up again or they've got the date wrong.

Family friends used to run the place in the 80s. I remember they had Corona pop on tap.

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Strange, the second pic shows the building derelict with a date of 1990. I remember going in there with my then girlfriend around 1994. Either it got fixed up again or they've got the date wrong...
It's a mistake in labelling the photo - another photo gives the demolition date as 1996.
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When I was about 8 or 9 (1960 ish) I used to to the Limes Club with my dad, most Sunday lunch times, he and his mates played cards and then a game of bingo, (tombola). I can remember the bingo 'caller' was called Bernard, who was a big fat man, before he started calling the numbers, he always said 'am I coming through in the lounge'. This always made me smile as I thought to myself, 'a miracle if he could get through a small wire like that'. the other thing I remember is having a bottle of ginger beer (non-alcoholic of course), and I have never had it since. Fond memories.

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My grandma took me there, I think she played tombola or something. There was a contest for kids, I was about 5 and I snuck off and sang I Had A Little Nut Tree on the stage. Grandma was upset at me doing that without her knowledge, I did win a packet of sweets though. :D


Our grandma took me there too Joto, I remember the tombola but not the kids contests, They used to have contests at the Cap cinema but this would have been about 1960 and my friend Margaret Black won a tennis racquet in the yoyo competition,

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