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Muslims Against Crusades banned!


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So why are most trained in pakistan?




So you're not bothered that most terrorists are muslims.


But they're not- it just gets broadcast all the time and even if you look at America, a recent study by Duke University and the University of North Carolina concluded that the "terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.”.


Certain news channels have an agenda against Muslims/Islam so for them, anything will get headline news- even if a terrorist act happens which no one claims responsibility for initially, you have them whispering Islamic groups!

(like the recent Norway shooting).


In addition, the FBI records for terrorist acts committed from 1980-2005 paints a completely different picture- with Islamic terrorism at only 6% with 42% coming from Latino Groups, Extreme Left Wing at 24%, Others at 16% and Jewish terrorism at 7%.


You can access the list but I have broken it down but if you want to analyze it, be my guest.



So stop being so paranoid and swallowing all the media bull- do your own research.

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Maybe there's some Buddhist Taliban around somewhere ? :confused:


If there were you'd be the first member of their terrorist supporters club judging by your support of Arab terrorists in the middle east.


The only terrorists in the Middle East are the Syrians, the Iranians, and the Israelis.


All 3 vile regimes.


BTW what do you think about the Syrian deaths totaling over 3500 and no heroic Israelis involved?


Sickening. And what's more sickening is the deafening silence from the Western nations.


What do you call those who murder civilians via F16s and drones ?


Hero's. .


You really are disgusting.

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This led me to another question (one of population % of other countries), 2.7% of the UK population follow islam, whereas in Switzerland the % is 4.3).


Source - http://chartsbin.com/view/5e4




I think you are pretty far off the mark there. The last time I saw the figures it was something between 4% to 8% of the UK population identified themselves as Muslim.


EDIT: but then again I could be wrong, even though your data comes from 2001, I doubt the muslim population of the UK has doubled in size within 10 years. What is odd though is the governments own statistics on religion published by the ONS is missing from their site. Even the links to their reports result on 404 document missing pages? Which is odd.

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