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Muslims Against Crusades banned!


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15/20 idiots not being silent.


Oh the horror.:rolleyes:


oh right so its OK if the number is below what?


So if I stood in the street spouting racists abuse, that's OK is it just because its just me?


All forms of abusive behaviour should be stamped out on both sides if its one person or a thousand.

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People often say that soldiers,particularly in the Second World War,died so that future generations would have freedoms.This must , I believe,include the freedom to protest -even if that upsets other members of society.Now,which group of people in Germany in the 1930,s burned books ?

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The evidence that EDL members have been involved with all the activities I mentioned is readily available and has been linked to many times in previous discussions.


Videos of them chanting 'Allah, Allah, who the f*** is Allah'' are ten a penny on youtube and screengrabs relating to threats/boasts about burning mosques and evidence of criminal damage are similarly easy to find.

I also note on you tube things like "EDL racist on xbox live" and "EDL racist sniffs itching powder"yet in both videos there is no mention of the EDL, why would that be ?

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Hmmm.. so according to you, Jesus never existed ? :cool:


If you disregard all the religious books, there is no evidence Jesus ever existed in the times people claim.


The Romans occupied that area of the world and their records would have mentioned a man such as Jesus performing miracles and subsequently being arrested and executed etc, but he is missing from all records.


Jesus was regarded as an enemy to the Romans; that's why no records of his miracles have been recorded (by them).


Tell me, would you shower your enemy with positive attributes ?

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I may not agree with what you say but I would defend your right to say it.



Even these bearded nutcases are entitled to an opinion. I dont like the BNP, I dont like the Anti Fascist league either. Just let 'em spout, its only words.....


the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country. no one fought for the rights to abuse, harass, slander or attack others, if you think this is what freedom of speech means or what the freedom of speech covers, you misunderstand its meaning. There are limits to the freedoms we have in a "free" society. You cannot walk down the street naked or preach hatred for example.

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