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Muslims Against Crusades banned!


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Jesus was regarded as an enemy to the Romans; that's why no records of his miracles have been recorded (by them).


Tell me, would you shower your enemy with positive attributes ?


There where many other non Roman historians in the same area at the same times, most notably the greeks, plus Jesus was not an enemy of the Romans for his entire life. This also does not mean others would not have reported on and documented his activity.


Such a character would have been mentioned somewhere.


If you can show me any evidence Jesus existed other then religious text, I would believe you, but your insistence on making excuses speak volumes.

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Maybe because terrorists usually like to keep that to themselves ?


What do you think ? :cool:

Are you sure ,surely that would defeat the basic tenet of terrorism.if no one knew who was the culprit and for what reason that would make any action plain straight forward murder without any motive at all

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the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country. no one fought for the rights to abuse, harass, slander or attack others, if you think this is what freedom of speech means or what the freedom of speech covers, you misunderstand its meaning. There are limits to the freedoms we have in a "free" society. You cannot walk down the street naked or preach hatred for example.


My Bold=


I personally have no time for MAC but feel that by banning MAC and not banning the EDL will send out the wrong message.

The EDL abuse, harass,slander and attack muslims yet no mention of banning them and the cost also of policing EDL demo's is not cheap either.

You seem happy that the MAC has been banned but you don't realise that this ban will be used as recruiting propaganda by the extremists as they will say that we have been banned but the EDL havn't.

I feel that the EDL and MAC should have been banned together and not just MAC.

You yourself have made it clear what side of the fence you are on as as the bit of your post i have bolded can also apply to the EDL yet you make no mention of that.

Do you think that the EDL should also be banned or not?

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1 down 1 too go.


Its time we got the scum that is the edl of our streets.


Edl scum of our streets


How would we do that, until they commit a crime we can’t lock them up, desponding EDL won’t solve the problem because its members and followers will still have the same opinions.

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How would we do that, until they commit a crime we can’t lock them up, desponding EDL won’t solve the problem because its members and followers will still have the same opinions.


Works the same with MAC dont ya think?


the members and followers still have the same opinions.:confused:

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If you disregard all the religious books, there is no evidence Jesus ever existed in the times people claim.


The Romans occupied that area of the world and their records would have mentioned a man such as Jesus performing miracles and subsequently being arrested and executed etc, but he is missing from all records.


No the records just don't exist any more. The Romans weren't necessarily as keen on bureaucracy as we were and the records that did exist are mostly destryoyed.


There are some Roman historians but the were not concerned with what at the time was a minor religious cult operating in a far flung corner of the empire which was FULL of minor religious cults.


So it doesn't prove he doesn't exist at all.

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