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Muslims Against Crusades banned!


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Works the same with MAC dont ya think?


the members and followers still have the same opinions.:confused:


Banning either group won’t alter their options and they will still be on the streets.


Yes it does, extremists that aren’t allowed to vent their anger legally or express their opinions are more likely to become terrorists out of frustration.

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There where many other non Roman historians in the same area at the same times, most notably the greeks, plus Jesus was not an enemy of the Romans for his entire life. This also does not mean others would not have reported on and documented his activity.


Such a character would have been mentioned somewhere.


If you can show me any evidence Jesus existed other then religious text, I would believe you, but your insistence on making excuses speak volumes.


Greece is nowhere near Israel in the terms of 0BC there were no Ryanair planes there you know!


And it's not like in 0BC you had to fill in equality forms and everybody who was executed had a fully documented tria.


And you describe him as 'such a character' but there is absolutely no reason why any contemporary historian would have been interested in him, he was an extremely minor figure in his lifetime when looked at in the grand scheme of things. His death would have had hardly any impact outside the local area.

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About time. This group has been banned a number of times before and the legislation allows the same penalties for sucessor organisations. So when anjem and co turn up as "muslims against the west" or whatever new name they choose then arrest them, charge them and jail them all for the ten years allowed under the 2000 act.

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My Bold=


I personally have no time for MAC but feel that by banning MAC and not banning the EDL will send out the wrong message.

The EDL abuse, harass,slander and attack muslims yet no mention of banning them and the cost also of policing EDL demo's is not cheap either.

You seem happy that the MAC has been banned but you don't realise that this ban will be used as recruiting propaganda by the extremists as they will say that we have been banned but the EDL havn't.

I feel that the EDL and MAC should have been banned together and not just MAC.

You yourself have made it clear what side of the fence you are on as as the bit of your post i have bolded can also apply to the EDL yet you make no mention of that.

Do you think that the EDL should also be banned or not?


I think the main thing with this MAC ban is that there was an attempted attack on an MP who is a member of the parliamentary Friends of Israel group. He was seeing constituents at a mosque when members of MAC protested outside who later stormed the mosque and tried to reach the MP. It was later discovered that there was literature on the MAC website which referred to the attempted murder of a different MP when referring to the protest against this MP. There was a heavy suggestion they were trying to do the same thing again which is dangerously close to incitement to murder.


MAC also on the same posting made references to attacks on MPs showing that 'MPs are not welcome in Muslim areas'. Now that is using threats of violence and intimidation to stop MPs moving around freely and representing their constituents.


If the EDL as an organisation can be shown to be involved in activities in their official capacity which suggest incitement to murder or violence against public servants entering particular areas by all means they should be banned too. But as far as I'm aware they haven't up to this point done that.

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The evidence that EDL members have been involved with all the activities I mentioned is readily available and has been linked to many times in previous discussions.


Videos of them chanting 'Allah, Allah, who the f*** is Allah'' are ten a penny on youtube and screengrabs relating to threats/boasts about burning mosques and evidence of criminal damage are similarly easy to find.

So, based on your logic, members of the Muslim community have been seen chanting anti-British slogans, and have been know to bomb/murder British civilians. Must we therefore ban the Muslim community - after all, known terrorist bombers were their members.
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"Muslims Against Crusades would like to declare that we are hereby dissolved and will not be functioning as of tonight. We would also like to declare that the planned Hell for Heroes protest on 11th November 2011 has been cancelled and will not be going ahead tomorrow."


Press release via their website 3 minutes ago.

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"Muslims Against Crusades would like to declare that we are hereby dissolved and will not be functioning as of tonight. We would also like to declare that the planned Hell for Heroes protest on 11th November 2011 has been cancelled and will not be going ahead tomorrow."


Press release via their website 3 minutes ago.

A Ban Will Never Silence Islam and Muslims!


The intended banning of Muslims Against Crusades by Home Secretary Theresa May is a great victory for Islam and Muslims and highlights the sheer hatred the British government has towards sincere Muslims who wish to peacefully speak out against policies that are (from every angle) anti-Islam and anti-Muslim.


Idiots :loopy:

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