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Where can you buy "Root Beer" in Sheffield


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This is strange, but true. I developed a taste for the American soft drink Root Beer while on holiday in the states. Yes - I know its an aquired taste, and Yes - I know it tastes to some like Listerine, but I like it, cos im hard and from Sheffield. Unfortunately its not available here, apart from some wazz that Asda sell. So I was hoping that some of my esteemed forum posters may know of a hidden shop/store somewhere in Sheffield area that specialises in Root beer.. . . . :help:

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Ahgg! Root Beer My auntie lived in New York, and when she came over she used to bring sachets of Root Beer, and some cheesy puff things. I drank so much root beer and ate so many cheesy things (bit like Wotsits), that I feel sick at the thought of them and have never eaten or drunk either since.

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This is strange, but true. I developed a taste for the American soft drink Root Beer while on holiday in the states. Yes - I know its an aquired taste, and Yes - I know it tastes to some like Listerine, but I like it, cos im hard and from Sheffield. Unfortunately its not available here, apart from some wazz that Asda sell. So I was hoping that some of my esteemed forum posters may know of a hidden shop/store somewhere in Sheffield area that specialises in Root beer.. . . . :help:


Ahh, sigh...Root beer. Unfortunately I am blighted with the same affliction..I love it, could only ever get some at Morrisons, never had any luck anywhere else in Sheffield, nor here in Scotland either !

However, have you tried here..


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root beer tastes like sasparella,anyone remember that.used to be able to buy it from the herbalist.joblot were selling it not too long ago because my dad got me some.love the stuff.always have done.it tastes similar to dandelion and burdock thats gone flat.i cant forget that taste.so for root beer,try joblot.hope you manage to get some.

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