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Brass Quartet - available for Carols


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Hoping to get the attention of a few landlords that might like a visit from a talented brass group to come and play their customers a few carols in the run up to Christmas. We are a small group who all play regularly in local brass bands in the area - we have got ourselves together for the two weeks before christmas with the intention of bringing a bit of Festive Spirit - and generally getting people in the mood for christmas. There are only 6 of us - and usually only 4 of the 6 play and the other one goes round with a collection tin. We consist of 2 x 18yr olds - 2x under 30 - and our lead player is only 14!! - then there is me who is a Mum - a player, the chauffeur, the organiser, the one to contact, and the one who generally looks after them all. ( Please don't think because they are young tho they aren't good - they all have grade 5 - 8 on their respective instruments - if that means anything to you!!)


We aren't doing it for a charity as we play lots of concerts for charity throughout the year as well as other band concerts and competitions for which we get no payment, - this is just a nice way for these talented lads and lasses to earn a bit of pocket money and keep them in banding! Its a great hobby!!

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Hi Tony - just tried the number you gave but no reply - we are planning on covering your area on Wed 14th - can we do a 30min slot on that evening??


Let me know the best time to suit you and I can plan around it.


If that night is no good - suggest another and I 'll see what we can do!!



Thanks for your interest

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