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1960's Film : The Family Way

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I remember at school getting interested in the family tree and remember asking questions like why was my dads name different to my grandmas and why did his sisters have different names to him etc....I also remember him going mad about it and him telling me not to go digging up the past.

When his mother died in 1968, he wouldnt let anyone go to her house to help him clear it. When he died in '76 we found out why....he was illegitimate.

It really upsets me now to think that he'd grown up with this "burden" as it would have been then and how his mother would have never talked about it to him either. Did she even know that he knew I wonder.

Now, a baby in a pram for some, seems to be a fashion accessary and a mealticket and as someone says, a key to the door of a house or flat.


Oh God, how sad for your father. And to think he carried that 'shame' for his entire life, like it was even his fault! I never understood that, blaming the child. No one asks them who they want for parents.


I've been doing some research on my mother's family, trying to fill in the blanks. My maternal great grandmother had a younger sister who died very young. Of what exactly, I could never get a straight answer about. I finally paid a visit to a great aunt (the one I love the best because she has a big mouth) and she told me that her auntie had actually committed suicide. Why? because she was pregnant out of wedlock by a married man. This was in Mexico about 100 years ago, but come on. I couldn't believe it. She killed herself and her baby over that? I would've shown up on his doorstep with the kid and my lawyer. And it didn't end there. Because of her suicide, the family was unable to bury her in the 'regular' Catholic cemetary, so more shame on top of the shame.


For sure, most of the young girls today seem to have given very little thought as to how to raise a child. The poor kid is almost an afterthought. It also bothers me how very easily some young men walk away from their obligations. I know they're young and what do you expect from a teenage boy etc. I look at my own teenage son and how I have to remind him to put on clean jeans and I can't imagine him as a father!

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Girls got married a lot younger in the 1950s early 60s. Brides of 17 were nothing out of the ordinary and the guy was not even 20 in many cases. This was in England. I dont know what happenned in America as I wasn't living here at that time

By the age of 21 they often had a couple of kids and were living in a council house.


It was

a whole different era of course. After leaving school girls generally worked as typists, sales clerks or in factories until the right guy came along.

Getting pregnant out of wedlock was something to be ashamed of and remarks such as

"Have you heard? Cynthia Jones down the road is in the pudding club" something to cause wide spread sniggers all round.


When a girl actually did get pregnant out of wedlock the father generally did the right thing and married her.

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Harleyman I married a week after my 18th Birthday, and hubby had just turned 19, that was Nov 11th 1961. For in case you haven't worked it out yet, we've been married 50yrs today! :)


Congratulations to you both Joto :thumbsup:


I was 23 when i married for the first time. My wife was 17. It didnt work out though.


I met my second wife in 1972, married in 1973 and we've been happily together ever since.


I blame myself for the failure of the first marriage. I think I expected her to be far more mature than her young years

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If it's the same film I remember seeing, starring Hailey and her father John Mills she didn't get pregnant out of wedlock.

On the contrary, Hailey newly married and living with her parents-in-law was having problems with her husband cos he couldn't get it up :hihi:


I may be talking about a different film though


Hailey Mills was the girl in the film that got pregnant and I think her father was played by Wilfred Pickles.

Think your confusing this film with a similar film which featured Carol White in ' Poor Cow '

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Hailey Mills was the girl in the film that got pregnant and I think her father was played by Wilfred Pickles.

Think your confusing this film with a similar film which featured Carol White in ' Poor Cow '


Haley Mills wasn't pregnant, not even by the end of the film. Like one or two people have said they lived with their in-laws, and they had no privacy, so the marriage wasn't consummated. Wilfred Pickles played her wise uncle who she went to for advice. We own the DVD and had to order online, it wasn't cheap either.

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Apologies to anyone who has responded to my thread and said that I'm confusing the film

' The Family Way ' with some other film..............you are right but I don't know which film ?


Harleyman said I was wrong and I said I wasn't .......sorry guy.


Joto posted that she had the DVD of ' The Family Way ' and at no time did Hailey Mills get pregnant......so that sorts me out !


Apart from that, my sentiments re: todays teengirls / pregnancies remain the same.

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