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Sheffield Half Marathon 2012 - 27 May 2012


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typical we have great (cool) running weather for weeks now come half marathon week we get a heatwave!


Lets hope it cools down before Sunday.


That's the main reason why I didn't sign up for it this year, it's so late and far more likely to be hot and really uncomfortable running conditions.

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That's the main reason why I didn't sign up for it this year, it's so late and far more likely to be hot and really uncomfortable running conditions.


Good point it is very late this year people need to be REALLY carefull to hydrate if its this hot otherwise there could be problems.

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I Asked this question and got very little response ( if any) but ever the optimist I will try again .


Am intending going to watch the race on Sunday and was wondering if there was any one to look out for local runners expected to do well etc or even members on here to try and spot the within the masses etc. I am going to try and spot a few work colleagues who are taking part and any info received to add a little more interest would be appreciated.

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As we can all guess its going to be HOT on Sunday. according to the weather reports i have read it will be around 17degrees and sunny during the race. rising to 20degrees by midday. few things to consider/do.


many i have worked out from trial & error thru the last 5 yrs of running sheff half and other races in hot conditions as a hallamshire harrier clubrunner. Works for me.

  • no sports drink on the course, so think about depositing a special drink or isotonic drink to replace lost salts. i plan on having 500ml half lucozade/half water @ bramhall lane(5.5mile) & effingham road(10mile).

    • going to sound daft but dont overhydrate on water as this will dilute the salt in your bloodstream and can cause hyponatremia which can be fatal. little and often the rule

  • look for the shade where you can, it does help and will not slow you down too much


  • keep the sponge as long as you can, keep it damp and use on the back of the neck when the heat feels too much, it can make the difference.




might not work for all but like i said its worked for me.

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As we can all guess its going to be HOT on Sunday. according to the weather reports i have read it will be around 17degrees and sunny during the race. rising to 20degrees by midday. few things to consider/do.


many i have worked out from trial & error thru the last 5 yrs of running sheff half and other races in hot conditions as a hallamshire harrier clubrunner. Works for me.

  • no sports drink on the course, so think about depositing a special drink or isotonic drink to replace lost salts. i plan on having 500ml half lucozade/half water @ bramhall lane(5.5mile) & effingham road(10mile).

    • going to sound daft but dont overhydrate on water as this will dilute the salt in your bloodstream and can cause hyponatremia which can be fatal. little and often the rule

  • look for the shade where you can, it does help and will not slow you down too much


  • keep the sponge as long as you can, keep it damp and use on the back of the neck when the heat feels too much, it can make the difference.




might not work for all but like i said its worked for me.


Good advice.


Liquid management will be an issue for many/all of us on Sunday. It's not just the serious consequences, but the more minor ones as well.


There will only be water at the drinks stations. Any other drinks will have to be carried, or collected from a personal supporter en route.


I've got it wrong by drinking too little - nearly passed out when trying to stand up after retying shoe laces, and cramping up!


I also got it badly wrong another time by drinking too much - that time sapping decision whether to go off course to find somewhere secluded or wait until the end!!


Drink a little and often.


The biggest problems may come for those of us struggling at the back of the field. By then the sun will be higher, and the temperature with it. Hopefully the drinks stations will still have something left for us. Carry a drink if possible.


Memory says there's not much shade on the course.


Personal bests may have to wait until next year as we struggle home. At least we don't have these hydration issues with the Percy Pud in December!

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Listen to runningowl. Lack of salt is a far worse condition than dehydration and all this advice to drink lots of water is dangerous.


I'm not sure there's much salt in Lucozade though - you might want to add a little salt to it.


This is from Prof Hugh Montgomery, a very respected expert in the field of extreme body conditions (he did a Christmas lecture on survival a few years ago):


Don't drink too much

People feel compelled to consume lots of fluid but it's a myth that it's necessary.

As a doctor, I've dealt with running deaths and they were down to people drinking too much water. Your blood then dilutes, so it's dangerously low in salt.

The symptoms are nausea or headache. People think they haven't drunk enough and so take in even more fluid.

This leads to a dangerous condition called hyponatremia, or water intoxication. Also, resist using isotonic drinks — there is no proof they work.


From http://gulfnews.com/life-style/health/run-the-extra-mile-1.4366

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To be honest I've no idea what kind of salt, but I would assume yes just say half a teaspoon of table salt will be fine. I've heard some of our running club do that.


I've seen some pages that say that lucozade actually has plenty of sodium in it, but I'm not sure about that. I think they have to regulate the salt in it, as they sell it as a soft drink.


i will probably carry a bottle with a Nuun tablet in it. These are tablets you can buy from running shops that are full of salt but are amazingly tasty (at least, the lemon and lime flavour is).


Trouble is, they're pricey at more than 5 quid for 10 tablets.


(they are BRILLIANT for hangovers, never mind running)



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High 5 also do flavoured salt tablets stocked in most running shops and I think boots. Lucozade, powerade etc. are not recomended for u14s because they classed as energy drinks not soft drinks. They generally contain sodium, magnesium and other electrolytes. Problem is they also contain A LOT of sugar, the recommended amount of serving is 250ml but come in 500ml bottles (who drinks only half a bottle) which is why I water them down to avoid a sudden sugar spike and gut problems. I will also use 1 isotonic gel on Sunday on eccy road.


You can make your own


250ml apple or orange juice

250ml of water

Pinch of salt


But isn't as palatable as the usual sports drinks.

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