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Sheffield Half Marathon 2012 - 27 May 2012


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Hi everyone,


Please consider runnning for Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice if you are running the Sheffield Half Marathon this year. Your support will help children in this region with a shortened life expectancy enjoy a lifetime of love and laughter. Find out more at http://www.bluebellwood.org


Good luck to everyone running from all at Bluebell Wood.

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I agree with Jemson.. If its your first just go out and enjoy it.. train as much as you can and don't worry about pace..


I have ran a few 10K races (10 min mile pace) so have a bit of a base. I try and split my week into,


steady 5/6 miler,

fartlek or interval type of around 3/4 miles

a long run on the weekend..


If I get a chance I try and do a spin class in the week and do some strength training at the gym.. but that not a regular thing..


It sounds alot but once you get into the routine it does becomes easy..


If you have the motivation then there are plenty of training plans out there..

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The Sheffield half last year was my first half marathon, and I've done two more - plus a full marathon since. I ran it in 2h 19, which I was very happy with for my first half. Sadly I can't run it this year as it clashes with the Edinburgh Marathon. It's a real shame as I genuinely enjoyed it, especially the stadium finish and the middle section on Ecclesall Road with the crowds.


In terms of training, I did it on a three runs a week schedule, plus at least one gym session of cross training/ weight training.

This was made up of two "short" runs of three or four miles through the week, plus a long run on a weekend.


The longest run I'd ever done before the half last May was 10 miles. On the day I began struggling at around 11.5 miles, as it's quite demotivating to reach Don Valley Stadium and realise you still have another mile and a half to go. But I was very happy with my finish time and have run faster in both of the half marathons I've done since then (Worksop and the Great North Run).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all


If you're running the Sheffield Half Marathon, please would you consider running on behalf of St Luke's Hospice?


We care for people of all ages 18 and upwards throughout Sheffield who have incurable illnesses. Our aim is to control their symptoms, alleviate their pain and give them the best possible quality of life - all free of charge.


This year alone we need to raise more than £4 million of the £6 million it costs just to carry on doing what we do - so we really do need your help.


We can offer you promotion and fundraising support, unlimited enthusiasm and a rather snazzy St Luke's running vest to wear on the day.


If you can run for us, please contact Fran Morley, our Community Fundraising Manager: f.morley@hospicesheffield.co.uk or call 0114 235 7556.


Run for us and we'll support you every step of the way! :)

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I did my first half marathon in 2011 (Sheffield half). My estimated time was approx 2 hours - 2 hours 20mins. I finished in 2 hours 19mins.


The last 3 miles were really hard. My knees and feet were hurting by this point. I followed a 12 week training programme which I got online. I only trained up to 11 miles as they say that you do not need to train for the full distance. I ran 3 times a week, 2 short runs during the week on Tues and Thurs and then a long run at the weekend. The training was nowhere as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed it. I lost a lot of weight doing this and felt great. I also got married last summer too!


Previous to this I have only done 2 x 10km races and park runs at Endcliffe Park. I am not a member of a running club.


This was a big achievement for me and I will certainly do it again! This year 2012 I am concentrating on my speed and doing 10kms. My first is in March the Dronfield 10km.


Go for it! I would say make sure you invest in some good running trainers, follow a training programme, eat well with plenty of carbs (especially the week before), drink plenty of water the day or so before, have a good breakfast (porridge etc) on the day, and on the day take some sort of energy/sports drink and gels etc with you. You will be given water on the course but you will need a little extra something also.


Good luck!!


I now have the running bug - any suggestions anyone for a good running club? I live S17 Totley/Dore area. I have looked at a few but they all seem quite serious and very fast runners!

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