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Good luck to Amelia Hempleman-Adams.

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16 is still a child, I would say min age for this kind of stupid prank should be at least 21.






So a person can have sex, smoke, drink, vote, drive, pay taxes, fight and or die for their country but they can't go on a cold trip with their very well trained father?


When did you go to the south pole to determine that the minimum age for entrants should be 21?


Also can you explain why you think 16 is too young even though accompanied by her well trained father? Is it on medical grounds or just an hysterical opinion that's typical of this forum?

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So a person can have sex, smoke, drink, vote, drive, pay taxes, fight and or die for their country but they can't go on a cold trip with their very well trained father?


When did you go to the south pole to determine that the minimum age for entrants should be 21?


Also can you explain why you think 16 is too young even though accompanied by her well trained father? Is it on medical grounds or just an hysterical opinion that's typical of this forum?




What makes you think I have never been to the South Pole, you may be making an assumption that you know nothing about, like many do on this forum.


"A cold trip with her Father" you say, aye with temps down to -60 you may be right, it is cold, far too cold for a child of 16.



"A well trained Father" you say, aye is he capable of carrying this child if things were to "go wrong" I doubt it very much.


As for the "sex, smoke, drink, vote, drive, pay taxes, fight and or die for their country" not relevant in any way, shape or form.





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The Father should be prosecuted for child cruelty

Why is this cruel?



I wonder how much the expedition is costing ?

Why, are you paying?



Is she raising money for charity ?

Did Scott of the Antarctic or Ernest Shackleton do their expeditions for charity?




Oh the shame.



Is this an appropriate time to be openly flaunting their excess cash and spending it on a pointless exercise ?

People spending their own money the way they want to. Do these people have no shame? :o


As for being a pointless exercise, it sounds like a great experience to me.



Explain this comment.

£1.5trillion! Britons rack up a record personal debt mountain



So a person can have sex, smoke, drink, vote, drive, pay taxes, fight and or die for their country but they can't go on a cold trip with their very well trained father?

Please do not confuse this thread with logic.


We don't need your kind here.



What makes you think I have never been to the South Pole

Soooo, it's a foolhardy, expensive, "cruel", pointless venture yet...


you've been? :huh:



As for the "sex, smoke, drink, vote, drive, pay taxes, fight and or die for their country" not relevant in any way, shape or form.

It is extremely relevant, which is why you're trying to dismiss it. Because it leaves your "argument" (if it can so be called) with more holes in it than a cullender.

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16 is still a child, I would say min age for this kind of stupid prank should be at least 21.








Two 'whys':


1. Why do you think it is 'a stupid prank' to do something which is challenging?

2. Why do you think young people shouldn't do something challenging before they are 21?


I raced go-karts when I was 13, I raced sailboats (catamarans) when I was 13, I soloed in a glider when I was 14, soloed in a powered aircraft when I was 17 and by the time I was 21 I was carting D-Class freight (passengers) around the sky in an airliner. - For a living.


You send soldiers (male and female) into war when they are 18. Some of them die.


But she shouldn't go to the Antarctic until she is 21?



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Two 'whys':


1. Why do you think it is 'a stupid prank' to do something which is challenging?

2. Why do you think young people shouldn't do something challenging before they are 21?


I raced go-karts when I was 13, I raced sailboats (catamarans) when I was 13, I soloed in a glider when I was 14, soloed in a powered aircraft when I was 17 and by the time I was 21 I was carting D-Class freight (passengers) around the sky in an airliner. - For a living.


You send soldiers (male and female) into war when they are 18. Some of them die.


But she shouldn't go to the Antarctic until she is 21?



Two sides to it I think.


On the one hand, there are too many people who simply cannot grasp the idea of stretching themselves to adventure beyond a shopping trip to Chesterfield.


The other issue is probably that she, her father and the expedition have the look of plentiful finance and class privilege, so SF is hardly the forum to find support on with its penchant for bitter class envy.

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"On November 12, 1912 an Antarctic search party discovered its objective - the tent of Captain Robert Scott and his two companions half buried in the snow. Inside, they found the body of Captain Scott wedged between those of his fellow explorers, the flaps of his sleeping bag thrown back, his coat open. His companions, Lieut. Henry Bowers and Dr. Edward Wilson, lay covered in their sleeping bags as if dozing. They had been dead for eight months. They were the last members of a five-man team returning to their home base from the Pole."



Aye, a great place to take a 16 year old girl. Remember temps of -60 recorded.


Simple question, would all you macho guys out there allow your own 16 year old daughter to go to the Pole.





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