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Hard times? What hard times?

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Your pride is all about you, GM's pride is in his grandchild?





GM. "I'm proud of my son, he's a hero.


Tony. "I don't want to be told I'm a war hero, I know it and I'm going to let the word know it too, because you too can be one if you aspire".



If you catch my drift.


Again, what's wrong with that pride?


Should I be ashamed of making a successfull change?


Your analogy is a little off by the way. In my OP I claimed to have made a change. I didn't claim I was anything other than financially better off. Which is true. Does that mean that people aren't allowed to recommend a way to save money which has ultimately made them better off?


I find it crazy that people will attack you for having the balls to make a change and then share the success of that change. I find it pathetic that people can label you something yet curl up when challenged.


Branding people as tory bully boy, gloater and even liar is pretty crap. No wonder the country's economy is struggling if that's the attitude some have to success. Even then, in the grand scheme the success is relatively minor yet people jumped on it as if I had said I've become a multi billionaire by selling baby skin.


I will be back to share more success stories with yoi though. I like the fact it annoys people on here.


Night night for now.

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Don’t try turning it on me, I never said anything about being proud to be a grandparent you came up with that one all on your own but for some reason you feel the need to start a thread about your financial position.


If you won the lottery you would be the one with the big cheque and the bubbly …I would have ticked the box ……… no publicity ……… says it all really.


Don't play the lottery. The odds are terrible.

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If I didn't look after me who would? I pay my taxes to support the welfare state we live in. I'm doing the same amount expected of any other citizen.


You're paying to support a welfare state you might one day need to make serious use of.

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:suspect:seems its all gone quiet Tony!!! we asked some questions of one or two posters ......and pfft they have gone....wonder why?:suspect:


It's because life is too short for the endless banality of continuing to engage with people once you realise they are motivated by one-up-manship and having the last word, rather than making a point.


If you seriously think any of the things you have said on this thread are clever arguments which have intellectually flumoxed other posters, you must be severely deluded. :P:P:P

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:suspect:seems its all gone quiet Tony!!! we asked some questions of one or two posters ......and pfft they have gone....wonder why?:suspect:


It's because life is too short for the endless banality of continuing to engage with people once you realise they are motivated by one-up-manship and having the last word, rather than making a point.


If you seriously think any of the things you have said on this thread are clever arguments which have intellectually flumoxed other posters, you must be severely deluded. :P:P:P


Or they just can't admit to having double standards.


Anyway, back from working away now so thanks to all for entertaining me whilst away.

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And? Whether or not I made use of it is irrelevant. For the record though I have made use of it once or twice. It's something this country should be proud of. It's a shame it's often abused.


Of course we should be proud of it. But remember if you do need to make use of it then it may be because you can never work again, for example because of serious injuries that weren't your fault - caught in a car crash, paralysed or severely burned etc... In that case other people will be paying to support you and the vast majority apart from a smattering of idiots will not begrudge it.


In 2010 benefit fraud cost £5bn according to David Cameron. The same year the government wrote off corporate tax at £6bn for Vodafone. Corporatism is a vastly greater drain on our resources. I'm not saying we shouldn't tackle benefit fraud but people seriously need to get a grip on what drains us most. Politicians and media portraying people on welfare as bogey men/women turns people against people and deflects attention from the real thieves. Classic case of divide and conquer and what saddens me is the number of willing foot soldiers they have.

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A few years ago, whilst lots of you were out getting 100%+ mortgages, I decided I needed a career change.


I had some skills with computers but realised that to gain employment in this field I needed the paper to prove it. I took a course at college and gained that important piece of paper.


I quickly realised the next stumbling block was experience. I decided to offer my services for less than the advertised salary. This tactic worked.


After 3 years working my way up and several large pay rises later I'm happy to say this credit crunch and talk of hard times hasn't hit me one bit.


I'm more financially sound now than ever.


Sound like you did well for yourself, well done. :)

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