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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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We'll raise our glasses in salute to you sir. An honourable man who is humble in defeat...


Three cheers for Donkey...:hihi:


I'm practicing to become a Tory. That's where the money is. I do have a flare for the pompous arrogance (if i say so myself) but i'm lagging behind in the self congratulatory sense of entitlement.


Fortunately, Tony Erikson has started a thread that is a virtual training manual. Thank you Tony!

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I'm practicing to become a Tory. That's where the money is. I do have a flare for the pompous arrogance (if i say so myself) but i'm lagging behind in the self congratulatory sense of entitlement.


Fortunately, Tony Erikson has started a thread that is a virtual training manual. Thank you Tony!


It's because I don't believe in emtitlement that I have been so successful.


I knew you were bitter.


It's ok to be a loser sometimes.

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It's because I don't believe in emtitlement that I have been so successful.


I knew you were bitter.


It's ok to be a loser sometimes.


I don't think it is me who is sounding a litlle angry and hostile. Just breathe deep and let it go. Say to yourself "I am an inmportant person in my own right" "I don't need to think of other people as losers and wasters in order to feel good about myself."

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I don't think it is me who is sounding a litlle angry and hostile. Just breathe deep and let it go. Say to yourself "I am an inmportant person in my own right" "I don't need to think of other people as losers and wasters in order to feel good about myself."


I thought I was on the "Hard times" thread there for a mo. :hihi:

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mel. The EDL are a small group of English people who protest and cause a bit of a fuss now and again.

Not a normal representation of English people, though ... within their ranks are football hooligans, thugs, racists and Neo-Nazi sympathisers.


The talban kill women in stadiums because they've been raped...?

Whereas the knuckle-draggers of the Extraordinarily Dense Losers have no real power to do what they would like.


The EDL, as do any other group, have the right to protest.

Unlike most groups, they go out looking for a physical confrontation. You really should stop acting as an apologist for fascist boot boys, it makes you look rather foolish. :|


They're hardly going to take over the world are they, huddled in corners whispering Nazi songs? I've seen many EDL leaders on the telly, but never one who recited any sort of Nazi ideology.

I'm sure you can figure out why those amongst them who have Nazi sympathies might choose not to advertise the fact .. :roll:


It's alright though as Mel's inverted racism forgives the Taliban of their behaviour. I'm sure he'll reply by calling me a racist troll now. Or not reply at all.

Accusing someone of something they haven't done to suit your own agenda, as you have just done is a perfect example of trolling.


Oh, here he goes again ..

In me just agreeing with you they will have classed me as racist. It really goes to show how very little a clue they have.


and again ..

He's seriously clueless. In his fight to be right on he'll happily defend a group of murderers as theyre muslim.


At this present moment in time and in answer to the same question, given the choice' most of us would favour the EDL in favour of the Taliban.

I suspect that most people with a shred of intelligence would favour neither, recognising both groups as hate-fuelled primitives, whilst being aware that the Taliban have been far more effective in carrying out their will.


Back to trolling ..

You excused the murders of the taliban to make them equal to the EDL.


Then what makes muslims any different from the taliban? They share the same philosophy.


See it as EDL is not so violent Nazis and muslims as not so violent Taliban. What's the difference?

Many members of the EDL are football hooligans and/or Nazi sympathisers. Muslims are simply people who follow a religion. frankly, your 'comparison' stinks. :|


I don't support them and I'm not a troll.

My bold. Err ... I wouldn't be so sure. :rolleyes:


I have to interject in these threads because some people don't realise how hypocritical they are being.

Oh, we'd be really lost without your valuable insight! :roll:


I don't like religion but I accept people's right to believe in it and follow it.

Piffle. You just described Musilms as a "not so violent Taliban".


But yeah just call me a racist troll.

This again? No one called you a racist? You appear to be having some sort of difficulty grasping reality. :|


my bold

Well said Tony, the Fascists, Nazis and bigots on this forum tend to be the ones who call posters trolls and racists .....

Err ... no. The Fascists, Nazis and bigots on this forum call people who expose their numerous shortcomings liberals, hand-wringers and now westernerphobes (sic). :loopy:

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I know. I thought that was a bit odd. If an attack was imminent they were a 20 minute tube journey with one change, 20 minute bus ride, 20 minute drive or 40 minute walk from St Paul's. Hardly an imminent attack.


I do wonder why they weren't dispersed from the area or the camp around St Paul's better guarded rather than acting like this, it seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut.


Let's run this by the numpties yet again. From the BBC article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-15697632


EDL member Andrew Wilson told BBC London that "some young idiots have had a fight in a pub".


"Police have charged in there and just gone over the top and forced us all out.


I'm am wondering why so many people queueing to defend the EDL on this thread are ignoring the fact that a fight broke out in a pub that just so happened to be full of EDL supporters. Just goes to illustrate why the EDL and their supporters cannot be trusted.

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Sad to see this thread hijacked by EDL apologists following some 'Taliban' line.


The news of the EDL attack had been rumbling around the net for a few days.


Anyone who doubts their violent and in some cases, murderous intent, should check out the excellent 'everythingedl' twitter feed, which exposes the crazed posts made by EDL members online.


Spend just half an hour looking through screen grabs of edl posts on facebook and you'll see them threatening to burn mosques, wishing people were dead, threatening violence, and often infighting with each other.

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Spend just half an hour looking through screen grabs of edl posts on facebook and you'll see them threatening to burn mosques, wishing people were dead, threatening violence, and often infighting with each other.


And other groups don’t have extreme fractions :roll: …………… have you poured the same scorn on the group that wanted to burn poppies and flags.



Before anyone asks ……… no I haven’t read all 140+ posts.

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Not a normal representation of English people, though ... within their ranks are football hooligans, thugs, racists and Neo-Nazi sympathisers.



Whereas the knuckle-draggers of the Extraordinarily Dense Losers have no real power to do what they would like.



Unlike most groups, they go out looking for a physical confrontation. You really should stop acting as an apologist for fascist boot boys, it makes you look rather foolish. :|



I'm sure you can figure out why those amongst them who have Nazi sympathies might choose not to advertise the fact .. :roll:



Accusing someone of something they haven't done to suit your own agenda, as you have just done is a perfect example of trolling.


Oh, here he goes again ..



and again ..




I suspect that most people with a shred of intelligence would favour neither, recognising both groups as hate-fuelled primitives, whilst being aware that the Taliban have been far more effective in carrying out their will.


Back to trolling ..



Many members of the EDL are football hooligans and/or Nazi sympathisers. Muslims are simply people who follow a religion. frankly, your 'comparison' stinks. :|



My bold. Err ... I wouldn't be so sure. :rolleyes:



Oh, we'd be really lost without your valuable insight! :roll:



Piffle. You just described Musilms as a "not so violent Taliban".



This again? No one called you a racist? You appear to be having some sort of difficulty grasping reality. :|



Err ... no. The Fascists, Nazis and bigots on this forum call people who expose their numerous shortcomings liberals, hand-wringers and now westernerphobes (sic). :loopy:



So are you saying you consider the EDL the same sort of threat as the Taliban? Come on don't mince words. The original question was in response to Donkey saying he'd like to see a war, or words to that effect, between the EDL and the Taliban. I simply asked if this happened who would he like to win? Nobody has really answered except by saying that they wouldn't want either to win. That's fair enough but does show that you think they are equally as bad as each other. But then that does beg the question of how you come to that conclusion? The Taliban, as mentioned earlier, executed a mother and daughter yesterday for what they claim were acting in an "inappropriate manner." Meanwhile back in England a bunch of blokes gathered for a drink after a remembrance day ceremony. They may or may not be a bunch of footy hooligans but they didn't kill anyone..


I think that those who are saying they're both the same haven't got the bottle to say what they really think, which is they prefer the Taliban...Mentioning no names...:hihi:

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