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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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And other groups don’t have extreme fractions :roll: …………… have you poured the same scorn on the group that wanted to burn poppies and flags.



Before anyone asks ……… no I haven’t read all 140+ posts.



Your suggestion that in order to criticise one group of thugs, one must criticise every other organisation every is ridiculous.


I noticed in your post that you failed to condemn every paedophile who ever existed - does this mean you in favour of them???


You'd have to be a real idiot to think that someone who condemns the EDL does so because they support the equally vile MAC.

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Let's run this by the numpties yet again. From the BBC article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-15697632




I'm am wondering why so many people queueing to defend the EDL on this thread are ignoring the fact that a fight broke out in a pub that just so happened to be full of EDL supporters. Just goes to illustrate why the EDL and their supporters cannot be trusted.


It seems that a couple of yobs having too much to drink and having a bit of a scuffle is a bigger threat to the country than a few thousand rioters running through the streets beating people up, looting shops and burning building. The police response to both incidents appear to be a little confused, don't you think?


Its a massive own goal by the authorities again. If they want the EDL to fail they should really stop giving them all this publicity. If you watch the report the EDL bloke does appear fairly reasonable. I know he's probably wearing a swastica pattered thong, but hey he's entitled to wear what he wants...:hihi:


PS I don't think anyone are defending the EDL, just there right to protest...and to debate if they're as bad as the Taliban, which they aren't. Do you think they are?..:hihi:


I'll just delve into my crystal ball and what do I see....it becoming clear now....a voice from the mist cries..."they're all the same...."

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Your suggestion that in order to criticise one group of thugs, one must criticise every other organisation every is ridiculous.


I noticed in your post that you failed to condemn every paedophile who ever existed - does this mean you in favour of them???


You'd have to be a real idiot to think that someone who condemns the EDL does so because they support the equally vile MAC.


I haven’t a clue what you are talking about but carry on. :hihi:


I never mentioned paedophiles, I never suggested you supported any group, I never suggested you must criticise every group ………… I just asked if you had poured scorn on the poppy burners.

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Not a normal representation of English people, though ... within their ranks are football hooligans, thugs, racists and Neo-Nazi sympathisers.



Whereas the knuckle-draggers of the Extraordinarily Dense Losers have no real power to do what they would like.



Unlike most groups, they go out looking for a physical confrontation. You really should stop acting as an apologist for fascist boot boys, it makes you look rather foolish. :|



I'm sure you can figure out why those amongst them who have Nazi sympathies might choose not to advertise the fact .. :roll:



Accusing someone of something they haven't done to suit your own agenda, as you have just done is a perfect example of trolling.


Oh, here he goes again ..



and again ..




I suspect that most people with a shred of intelligence would favour neither, recognising both groups as hate-fuelled primitives, whilst being aware that the Taliban have been far more effective in carrying out their will.


Back to trolling ..




Many members of the EDL are football hooligans and/or Nazi sympathisers. Muslims are simply people who follow a religion. frankly, your 'comparison' stinks. :|



My bold. Err ... I wouldn't be so sure. :rolleyes:



Oh, we'd be really lost without your valuable insight! :roll:



Piffle. You just described Musilms as a "not so violent Taliban".



This again? No one called you a racist? You appear to be having some sort of difficulty grasping reality. :|



Err ... no. The Fascists, Nazis and bigots on this forum call people who expose their numerous shortcomings liberals, hand-wringers and now westernerphobes (sic). :loopy:


I don't support the edl but I do support their right to exist. What's the difference between those that want the edl bannimg and other fascist groups?


If I wasn't typing from a mobile I would show you plenty of examples of the racist troll labelling.


ThEn again. You've done the exact same thing so i'll likely leave it.


Like Frank has the balls to say and so do I. The edl are nowhere near the same par as the taliban. The taliban murder people yet none of you have the strength of charachter to acknowledge this makes them much worse than the edl.

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Let's repeat this again. From the BBC article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-15697632


EDL member Andrew Wilson told BBC London that "some young idiots have had a fight in a pub".


"Police have charged in there and just gone over the top and forced us all out.




Looks like your account doesn't stand up to scrutiny.


You missed this bit,


"Then because there are members of the English Defence League in there, they've obviously attributed it to us."


He said EDL supporters "came here for a peaceful memorial service and we got attacked in the pub".


There are plenty of people, many on here that would attack members of the EDL for no other reason than not liking what they stand for, there is no reason to assume the fighting was caused by or involved the EDL.

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I haven’t a clue what you are talking about but carry on. :hihi:


I never mentioned paedophiles, I never suggested you supported any group, I never suggested you must criticise every group ………… I just asked if you had poured scorn on the poppy burners.


Not even worth answering such a cretinous question.

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You missed this bit,




There are plenty of people, many on here that would attack members of the EDL for no other reason than not liking what they stand for, there is no reason to assume the fighting was caused by or involved the EDL.


Apart from their history of violence and their publically planned attack on the protest camp.

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It seems that a couple of yobs having too much to drink and having a bit of a scuffle is a bigger threat to the country than a few thousand rioters running through the streets beating people up, looting shops and burning building. The police response to both incidents appear to be a little confused, don't you think?


If you have been down Whitehall in the past 5 years you will know that the police precence round there is overbearing at the best of times, due in no small part to the authorities going over the top with the anti Islamic terrorism stuff.


Therefore it's a monumentally stupid place for an extremist group with a reputation for violence to go for a drink as when the inevitable happens and they do get in trouble the police will go over the top themselves round there.

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