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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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Is it just you and I who view the EDL as a non-entity? All they are is a handful of football thugs who make fools of themselves now and then, but for some reason the left-wingers act as though they were a million-strong fascist movement about to take over the country.

They are no threat, their support base is tiny and normal people who have concerns about immigration and integration wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. Without the publicity they receive as a direct result of left-wing 'anti' activity, they would be completely ignored and just fade away.


Nope, :) they get more publicity and attention than they deserve.

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I can be hurt :cry:


http://www.line1.co.uk/images/Carefactory.jpg :hihi:


Then what makes muslims any different from the taliban? They share the same philosophy.


None of my muslim friends support the actions of the taliban.


Then what makes muslims any different from the taliban? They share the same philosophy.


That's like saying everyone in England supports the actions of the EDL/BNP which is plainly ********.


And how the hell can the Melthebell poster compare a small limited group like the EDL with the Taliban beggars belief


The EDL seem to think that a small minority of people involved with MAC were a massive threat, so I fail to see the comparison in regards to numbers.


Exactly - but some people think Islamist loons should be allowed to do that.


But it's OK for the EDL to behave in the following manner:

"Some of the staff aren't English and they were shouting at them, telling them to say 'England is better than where I'm from', and things like that," he said.


Another source at the pub said rowdy scenes broke out as supporters were removed from the venue.


"They did not want to go," he added.


"They resisted to the point they were throwing stools at the police and bar staff.

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Nope, :) they get more publicity and attention than they deserve.


and far more support than they deserve...specially by "anti muslim" people on here


sooo...... do people really think its our only hope to be "protected" by a group who do nothing other than harrass, intimidate innocent people, indulge in drunken rucks and where even the founders and leaders headbutt their own members?


ive always said..............not in my name

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and far more support than they deserve...specially by "anti muslim" people on here


sooo...... do people really think its our only hope to be "protected" by a group who do nothing other than harrass, intimidate innocent people, indulge in drunken rucks and where even the founders and leaders headbutt their own members?


ive always said..............not in my name


I don't think many members do support them, but they do support their right to have and express their opinion within the law.

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I don't think many members do support them, but they do support their right to have and express their opinion within the law.


funny that cos we all know which group of people the same people DONT want to express their opinions

on one hand cry foul and bang on about free speech when its the edl / bnp side of the coin. makes you think deep down there IS some support / shared ideology between them


fraid you cant have one without the other

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Shoot the messenger time is it again, Frank? The fact is you did come on here a few months ago and lied in an immature way that you had recruited to the EDL. It was obvious this was a lie as you've never claimed to be a member. You just said you'd recruited for them to wind up the anti-fascists on here, but that failed as it was such a poor lie.


Most people, not just the EDL, oppose Islamic extremists, just less vocally and with less alcohol in them. Personally I'm not worried at the EDL. Compared to the BNP of 2 years ago they are no threat at all except to individuals who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


The fact that the EDL had to put out a message to its members not to drink alcohol in the run up to yesterday's remembrance ceremony (at 11am, remember) sums them up. You can't imagine the British Legion having to do that. So why should the EDL have to? They're already dying as an organisation because drunken demonstrations won't get them anywhere except banged up. If that's the biggest threat the far right can muster these days democracy is safe.


So you do have a crystal ball after all..I hope you're not watching me when I'm on the toilet as well...I always get the feeling I'm being watched...:suspect:.


I would advise anyone not to listen to the left wing propaganda about the EDL. They seem to be the only group who will speak out against Islamic extremism..So I do support them in this. I would admit that there are some dodgy chaps that follow them, but there are many other ordinary people as well...


So now, not only is it fascist so speak out against the real extremists but its also immature. While you're winging on about some oafs getting drunk and having a fight there's real right wing nutter in our midst....Oh and left wing nutters..There we've come full circle, over to you again...:hihi::love:

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funny that cos we all know which group of people the same people DONT want to express their opinions

on one hand cry foul and bang on about free speech when its the edl / bnp side of the coin. makes you think deep down there IS some support / shared ideology between them


fraid you cant have one without the other


Yes you can, I can agree with some of the opinions of both MAC and the EDL without being a supporter of either and without agreeing with any of their actions.

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