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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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as ive already said


groups like the EDL / BNP




islamic fundamentalist groups such as the one in topic


they all thrive on dividing us and it works, they all want a divide between muslims and the rest, thats why they all do actions that outrage the opposite party. they thrive on hatred and distrust.


to really fight ALL these groups is we should unite, ordinary human beings (whether black, white, male, female, young, old, christian, muslim) should all unite together tell these groups to stick it and live life as we should not worrying about the differences between us.

But that will never happen will it? Really it's like the Judean People's Front and People's Front of Judea, everyone is too busy accusing one another of racism and slagging off the EDL and BNP thugs. Both are goons. Neither group could give a hoot about women's rights for example, yet they suddenly adopt this faux pro-feminist stance apropos Islam.:rolleyes:


The ordinary person in the street is too scared to voice their concerns about extremism as they're instantly accused of racism or tarred with the same brush, so there is a conspiracy of silence. I've seen it on here countless times, I've been on the receiving end of it myself.


The actions of these groups are designed for maximum publicity and it works.

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I don't support the edl but I do support their right to exist. What's the difference between those that want the edl bannimg and other fascist groups?

People who "want the EDL banning" are not a "fascist group". More likely, they will be concerned citizens who do not see a good reason to extend the right of free speech to those who wish to erode the freedom of others. Any opposition to militant Islam (Muslims Against Crusades etc.) on the part of the EDL, is hard to take seriously when you consider the amount of fascist thugs and football hooligans harboured by this 'organisation'. People who wish to see the EDL banned may also support the banning of the likes of Islam4UK for the same reason, whereas many would simply like to assume they are pro-Islam. Of course the two supposedly Islamic extremist organisations I've just mentioned are actually banned. The EDL are not.


If I wasn't typing from a mobile I would show you plenty of examples of the racist troll labelling.

I'd be quite surprised if MeltheBell described you (or anyone else) as a racist, if nothing was written to justify it. I can't say that I've seen you write anything racist.


ThEn again. You've done the exact same thing so i'll likely leave it.
No. I haven't. I highlighted posts on the thread where you were trolling. (Claiming that people would do things, claiming they were doing things that weren't evident, from reading the thread ..)


Like Frank has the balls to say and so do I. The edl are nowhere near the same par as the taliban. The taliban murder people yet none of you have the strength of charachter to acknowledge this makes them much worse than the edl.

No. Some of us have the strength of character to recognise when people are driven by hate, regardless of whether they have influence or popular support, or have managed to implement their plans. Of course the Taliban have been much more effective.

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I dont believe this one bit. Sorry but this stinks. I dont support the EDL, while hope that the Occupy protests bring about real change and succeed. Why would the EDL attack this protest? On armistice day of all days. It just doesn't ring true to me.

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So are you saying you consider the EDL the same sort of threat as the Taliban? Come on don't mince words.

I don't mince words and I've now responded to another poster about so it's clear how I see this.


The original question was in response to Donkey saying he'd like to see a war, or words to that effect, between the EDL and the Taliban. I simply asked if this happened who would he like to win? Nobody has really answered except by saying that they wouldn't want either to win. That's fair enough but does show that you think they are equally as bad as each other.

My bold. You've just illustrated what answers you received.:| People tend to view both as extremists. One group has a high body count which doesn't mean that the members of the other are decent human beings who wouldn't like to maim or kill those they see as their enemy.


But then that does beg the question of how you come to that conclusion? The Taliban, as mentioned earlier, executed a mother and daughter yesterday for what they claim were acting in an "inappropriate manner." Meanwhile back in England a bunch of blokes gathered for a drink after a remembrance day ceremony. They may or may not be a bunch of footy hooligans but they didn't kill anyone..


I think that those who are saying they're both the same haven't got the bottle to say what they really think, which is they prefer the Taliban...Mentioning no names...:hihi:

I think they take a more mature viewpoint than you, recognising the type of people who are attracted to this EDL badge of convenience and less likely than yourself to romanticise these fascist thugs. :suspect:

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Of course anyone should be allowed to protest...but causing grief at a dead soldiers funeral in full view of the dead persons family? That's not a protest, that's sick and encouraging racial hatred..


.. but don't all the 'islamophobes'/ concerned citizens/ SF rabble claim they can't be racists because Islam isn't a race? :suspect: Since Islam isn't a race (and it isn't), it would be difficult for a bunch of extremist Islam rabble-rousers to cause RACIAL HATRED unless the objectors are..


a) a bit thick (fairly likely)


b) racists, after all (but don't call us that! :P)


c) both

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I don't mince words and I've now responded to another poster about so it's clear how I see this.



My bold. You've just illustrated what answers you received.:| People tend to view both as extremists. One group has a high body count which doesn't mean that the members of the other are decent human beings who wouldn't like to maim or kill those they see as their enemy.





I think they take a more mature viewpoint than you, recognising the type of people who are attracted to this EDL badge of convenience and less likely than yourself to romanticise these fascist thugs. :suspect:


I haven't seen a longer piece of fudge than that since I went on a school trip to Bassetts...:hihi:

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.. but don't all the 'islamophobes'/ concerned citizens/ SF rabble claim they can't be racists because Islam isn't a race? :suspect: Since Islam isn't a race (and it isn't), it would be difficult for a bunch of extremist Islam rabble-rousers to cause RACIAL HATRED unless the objectors are..


a) a bit thick (fairly likely)


b) racists, after all (but don't call us that! :P)


c) both


So you agreed with the protests at the dead soldiers funerals?...

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They shouldn't have the 'right' to deliberately cause outrage and upset for bereaved families by displaying contempt for our servicemen's sacrifices and everything our nation stands for.


If you think they should have a right to do that, you shouldn't have the 'right' to call yourself British.


'Our' servicemen who are killing Muslims civilians abroad: something which many non-extremist Muslims in the UK and non-muslims strongly object to. There are more bereaved that you draw attention to and frankly, who you think has the right to be called British and who doesn't is inconsequential. People born in Britain are British by default. They don't have to support western imperialist ventures to qualify. :)

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