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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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I thought Facists were an Italian political ideology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism. Since EDL members are unlikely to be Italian why not just call them racists?


Facists are not bound by national boundaries.The ideology favours emotion over reason,and assert that certain men are born leaders to whom the masses must be subordinate and obedient.They regard democracy as a slow ineffective system and prefer the executive to make rapid decisions with little consultation.They may also regard man as implicitly unequal,hence the notion of racial superiority.

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There'd be no need for the EDL and BNP, they'd wither and die, if the issue of muslim extremism was tackled. They will always have a niche while ever some are in denial. If they're the only voice against this cancer, then so be it, better the devil you know..

There is no need for them! The neo-Nazis of the BNP existed long before anyone had ever heard the term "militant Islam".

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I haven't seen a longer piece of fudge than that since I went on a school trip to Bassetts...:hihi:

Your posts are becoming increasingly pointless.


So you agreed with the protests at the dead soldiers funerals?...

Did I?** Your ability to process plain English seems to be on the way out too.








**Err, no. He lied. :roll:

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Your posts are becoming increasingly pointless.



Did I?** Your ability to process plain English seems to be on the way out too.








**Err, no. He lied. :roll:


Go on then say it, I must have missed it the first time...You think the protests were out of order?...:suspect:

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Go on then say it, I must have missed it the first time...You think the protests were out of order?...:suspect:

You choose to miss a lot of things that don't suit your agenda. :rolleyes:


There is a valid reason to protest about anyone's soldiers (dead or living) being hailed as 'heroes' purely because they were unfortunate enough to be off killing in the pursuance of the goals of their nation's elite. War is a good earner for those who would control us. If I had a friend or relative killed in army service I certainly wouldn't like to see their remains paraded down the high street in the interests of those who were responsible for the loss of life.

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You choose to miss a lot of things that don't suit your agenda. :rolleyes:


There is a valid reason to protest about anyone's soldiers (dead or living) being hailed as 'heroes' purely because they were unfortunate enough to be off killing in the pursuance of the goals of their nation's elite. War is a good earner for those who would control us. If I had a friend or relative killed in army service I certainly wouldn't like to see their remains paraded down the high street in the interests of those who were responsible for the loss of life.


Why can't you just be man enough to admit you support extremists rather than the soldiers. Why mince words? Why not stand up and say what you mean, instead of dancing around the issue? Come on, man up...Good job all the British aren't as cowardly.....:D

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Why can't you just be man enough to admit you support extremists rather than the soldiers. Why mince words? Why not stand up and say what you mean, instead of dancing around the issue? Come on, man up...Good job all the British aren't as cowardly.....:D

Are you trying to compete to be the most proficient at trolling on this thread? I think you're in the running now. Keep going, Frank, you can do it! Give him a cheer .. :cool:

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Are you trying to compete to be the most proficient at trolling on this thread? I think you're in the running now. Keep going, Frank, you can do it! Give him a cheer .. :cool:


See? He's using the usual line, ask a straight forward question and he starts with the "troll" thing.


You're funny....:hihi:


and an apologist for terrorists

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The ordinary person in the street is too scared to voice their concerns about extremism as they're instantly accused of racism or tarred with the same brush, so there is a conspiracy of silence. I've seen it on here countless times, I've been on the receiving end of it myself.



That's so true. If you point out that the setting up of Sharia tribunals has led to situations were women are now being intimidated into accepting having their affairs decided via a systems that massively discrimates against them then you're racist. Point out that there are big elements within islam that promote hatred particularly against Jews and you're racist. Publicly talking about these concerns can lead to losing your job, any prospect of promotion disappearing, public office becoming something you couldn't apply for and reams of other privileges being denied such as the ability to adopt or lead community groups or bans from particular professions.

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