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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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People like Choudary and the other Islamic loons have no significant support and are better off ignored / ridiculed. The EDL use Choudary etc to legitimise their thuggery and extremism.

The two feed off each other.


Why not just ignore the EDL then. They don't have much support. Is it one rule for one and another for the other?

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I think militant Islam is more of a problem in the UK than the EDL...


I agree but that's only because the EDL are too stupid, gutless and incompetent.


Militant Islamic groups may recruit British Muslims to carry out terrorist attacks in the UK or abroad. That's the problem, or threat, they pose. They actually have done this, still do this or try to do it at least. The state is monitoring them as best it can to head this off after some failures to monitor them properly in the past.


The EDL talk about being a violent threat but a lot of it is just talk. I'm sure many of them would like to be right-wing terrorists like Breivik but haven't got the balls. Instead their violence is restricted to when they're canned up and with their mates. Their real threat is to the police, who they've attacked on many occasions, and to individual Muslims, rather than the widespread race war they really want.


Of the two I'd say Militant Islamic groups are the greater threat because they are organised and clever enough to sometimes succeed in what they do - bombings, etc. The EDL are too thick and drunk. Posting their intentions on the web doesn't help them, hence their arrests yesterday. But some people on here think that far right nutters like the EDL are the best antidote to Islamic fanatics. They're not, they're just violent fanatics of a different hue.


Some people on here who defend the EDL because they're not as bad as MAC, et al, are more sympathetic to the race war ideology of the EDL than they care to admit. There won't be a race war but they highlight a problem of a disillusioned white working class outside the usual far right headbangers. The problem is really with the mainstream parties, especially Labour, who alienated both its natural white constituency through its economic policies and Muslims through wars.

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..... the police did what they did for reasons known to them, not you and not me, I was at work ..... sorry bye !


We know what their reasons were - they had evidence the EDL yobs were going to attack protestors. Was their response correct in your opinion?

It's not a particularly difficult question Michael.

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I dont believe this one bit. Sorry but this stinks. I dont support the EDL, while hope that the Occupy protests bring about real change and succeed. Why would the EDL attack this protest? On armistice day of all days. It just doesn't ring true to me.




Why are you so disbelieving? Didn't EDL sympathiser Breivik murder dozens of 'lefties' in Norway?

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because thats NOT how they operate, your not that nieve surely


when have they targeted extremists?

they march around muslim areas, harrassing and targetting normal people....not extremists

theyve recently been done for a campaign of hatred and harrasment of people NOT extremists (smashing windows, spray painting shops, houses and a mosque)


they attack physically ANY asian looking people they see


they say they have an agenda against extremists, they dont THEY ARE the extremists


Yep, if you say so mel (or is it the media that tells you that ?) Now who is naieve mel, me or you ? Was the EDL set up to counter the stuff that muslim extremists were spouting, or am I wrong mel ? I also believe mel that many asians have decided to confront the EDL whenever they have gathered, so violent confrontation when it has occurred has been from asians too (what's that they say about 2 wrongs mel ?)

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They had credible intelligence


The police?

Well that would be a first.



that a large group of drunken thugs were going to attack the camp at St Paul's.


Were going to??

So they actualy did nothing illegal?


You're saying the police should have allowed that to happen?

Allowed what to happen?

Nothing happened?

Id wager nothing would have happened and this 'credible intelligence' was nothing more than showing those with bark burns and wood chipping in their face that banning mac wasnt the governemtn picking on them there muslims.

To prove that point they arrange this mass arrest purely for publicity.

let the name calling commence.

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Can anybody explain why the EDL would want to attack the protesters anyway? I thought they only attacked muslims. Why would they attack a bunch of white people singing come by are my lord in a tent?


They didnt.

Think about whos in the tents.

Think about how most of them view the British flag, the British empire or anthing British.

Bunch of England hating hippies and traitors.

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They didnt.

Think about whos in the tents.

Think about how most of them view the British flag, the British empire or anthing British.

Bunch of England hating hippies and traitors.


Can you offer any cogent explanation as to why you feel the protesters are anti British, or is it just a kneejerk reaction on your part?

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