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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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Debate the topic without the tedious petty sniping and bickering please and if you are going to make accusations then please be prepared to provide evidence.

Final chance to get back on topic and behave like adults.

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People like Choudary and the other Islamic loons have no significant support and are better off ignored / ridiculed. The EDL use Choudary etc to legitimise their thuggery and extremism.

The two feed off each other.


They have more support than you are prepared to acknowledge. Certain areas of London have seen a rise in homophobic attacks, a teacher was nearly beaten to death for teaching RE to Muslim girls, women are intimidated for not conforming enough to Islamic dress code, people attacked for not observing ramadan, mosques hosting hate preaching extremists.


This is all totally in line with the ideals of MAC, and simply wouldn't or couldn't be happening without some support in those communities. Give me one good reason why we should ignore far right fascist Islamic bigotry.

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because thats NOT how they operate, your not that nieve surely


when have they targeted extremists?

they march around muslim areas, harrassing and targetting normal people....not extremists

theyve recently been done for a campaign of hatred and harrasment of people NOT extremists (smashing windows, spray painting shops, houses and a mosque)


they attack physically ANY asian looking people they see


they say they have an agenda against extremists, they dont THEY ARE the extremists


Hang on. The bit in bold please can you back this up (as you and your mates are so fond of requesting whenever somebody muslim is accused of doing anything other than giving sweeties to babies and saving the world.


I am aware that there was a conviction recently for a night where there were multiple attacks in one night but they were on property.


Where are all these stories of marauding gangs of EDL randomly attacking asian? All I can find is a report on one incident in Rochdale where an asian man was poked with a biro. Can't find what you're talking about? You just made that up didn't you?

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