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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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He probably missed out on an education due to his teachers struggling to cope with teaching immigrants let in by your pals, whats your excuse.


Bit late on the edit.


I'm sure that the ESOL kids could teach him a thing or two linguistically. Why is anyone even bothered about this bunch of mindless goons, surely that link is proof is enough that they will hang themselves with their own rope and don't need any help from anyone else?

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What is it about my posts that's anti British?

From what I have read on here I wouldn't say his posts were typically anti British but his answers,seemingly wanting to be seen as defending the Muslim faith seems typical of someone who is absolutely terrified of being labelled a racist and needs to be seen to publicly defend unconditionally a section of the community who are loudly derided by some as a enemy of British heritage and customs,he's not on his own here there are one or two notable examples who are in the same vein,sadly it seems to a disease that is increasing,a sad reflection of a society which is more concerned on labeling than seeking a solution to the overall problems.It is of no use hiding away ,there are problems with immigration and the Muslim religion and until people like these posters accept that fact and cease to blindly defend that section of the community there will always be organisations like the EDL which feed off that negativity.

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From what I have read on here I wouldn't say his posts were typically anti British but his answers,seemingly wanting to be seen as defending the Muslim faith seems typical of someone who is absolutely terrified of being labelled a racist and needs to be seen to publicly defend unconditionally a section of the community who are loudly derided by some as a enemy of British heritage and customs,he's not on his own here there are one or two notable examples who are in the same vein,sadly it seems to a disease that is increasing,a sad reflection of a society which is more concerned on labeling than seeking a solution to the overall problems.It is of no use hiding away ,there are problems with immigration and the Muslim religion and until people like these posters accept that fact and cease to blindly defend that section of the community there will always be organisations like the EDL which feed off that negativity.


Outstanding post!!!

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From what I have read on here I wouldn't say his posts were typically anti British but his answers,seemingly wanting to be seen as defending the Muslim faith seems typical of someone who is absolutely terrified of being labelled a racist and needs to be seen to publicly defend unconditionally a section of the community who are loudly derided by some as a enemy of British heritage and customs,he's not on his own here there are one or two notable examples who are in the same vein,sadly it seems to a disease that is increasing,a sad reflection of a society which is more concerned on labeling than seeking a solution to the overall problems.It is of no use hiding away ,there are problems with immigration and the Muslim religion and until people like these posters accept that fact and cease to blindly defend that section of the community there will always be organisations like the EDL which feed off that negativity.


what a load of bull excrement.

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what a load of bull excrement.

In what respect ? its of no use deriding a post with one seemingly inane sentence without explaining your reasoning behind that statement,the post was my opinion based on events that I have encountered in my daily life and through such forums as this,I am always open to other peoples opinions and will willingly debate on said opinions,alas I dont find "what a load of bull excrement" a valid opinion without any reasons for said statement.

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