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EDL reveal themselves as Fascists

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I'm not aware of any mass murdering EDL members yet, I must have missed that one...Can't you just let the mask drop for a bit and admit that although you find the EDL deplorable, they're not as bad as the Taliban..:suspect::D


Well....the EDL aren't murdering people because they are not in a position to do so. But they want to. Hitler wasn't in a position to murder people when he had no power, but when he got power he did so.


Just because a group don't have the ability to carry out their philosophy doesn't mean they aren't dangerous lunatics.


I class the Taliban and the EDL together because they are both undemocratic, violent, extremist and fascistic.


You don't because you support the views of the white nutters, not the brown nutters. I support neither set of nutters.

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There are people who are bigoted thugs and people who aren't. EDL and Taleban are both in the former category. If (perish the thought) one of our fine upstanding EDL lads had happened to be born, (replete with the same temperament) an Afghani in Afghanistan, would he have turned out to be a freedom loving, progressive reformer and champion of human rights or...a member of the Taliban?


Cultural conditioning may dictate the differences in how far the local thugs will be able to go in any given society, but their basic mentality is the same the world over.


Okay thanks for that clearing that up then you think they're the same..:D

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So there has never been a fight in that particular Red Lion pub, ever? How do you know this?


Because I've been in there before a few times. It attracts tourists, civil servants, and various political hangars on. To be honest it's not one of the capital's finer drinking spots and given that the police presence round there is so heavy you would need to be immensely stupid to start a fight there.


Trouble is that the EDL's supporters really are immensely stupid, as you have proved on this thread!

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The thing is I don't think mel actually believes what he's said in relation to this point. He just cant, as others can't, admit that the taliban are worse than the EDL because it doesn't fit into his / their right on BS...:D


In me just agreeing with you they will have classed me as racist. It really goes to show how very little a clue they have.


I don't like either of the groups, both are silly extremists but how can I dislike the Taliban when doing so would make me a racist as disliking muslims usually makes one a racist (right mel).


One of them has killed far more than the other in the name of what it believes. Maybe the death count doesn't mean much to the likes of mel.


He's seriously clueless. In his fight to be right on he'll happily defend a group of murderers as theyre muslim. He loves to accuse people of being racist for disliking a religion.


So guy, we've acknowledged both sides are fascists. Are you seriously saying that ideology aside' the murdering of thousands over the passed 20 years is essentially nothing?



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