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The realization that someone is an idiot..

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Sierra, I have a feeling it's your ex your talking about :suspect:


Ahhh poppins, maybe it's my husband's ex. ;) I truly wish I could be more like him. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. When our children were small, they loved me but they adored their father. They still do.


Just because you've known someone for a long time, doesn't necessarily mean that you like them. Since I'm getting older, I notice there's really no escaping the inevitable. Given enough rope, some people will find a way to hang themselves. It's almost a mystery how they manage it.


Badlittlepup, no worries these people will see this. They couldn't find their way to this forum, let alone this exact thread with a map and a sherpa guide. And even if they did, they wouldn't recognize themselves. That's why I love this forum. I can be myself and the odds that someone I know will see it are practically nil.

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Ahhh poppins, maybe it's my husband's ex. ;) I truly wish I could be more like him. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. When our children were small, they loved me but they adored their father. They still do.


Just because you've known someone for a long time, doesn't necessarily mean that you like them. Since I'm getting older, I notice there's really no escaping the inevitable. Given enough rope, some people will find a way to hang themselves. It's almost a mystery how they manage it.


Badlittlepup, no worries these people will see this. They couldn't find their way to this forum, let alone this exact thread with a map and a sherpa guide. And even if they did, they wouldn't recognize themselves. That's why I love this forum. I can be myself and the odds that someone I know will see it are practically nil.


Yep, thats why we all like you Sierra :love:

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Ahhh poppins, maybe it's my husband's ex. ;) I truly wish I could be more like him. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. When our children were small, they loved me but they adored their father. They still do.


Just because you've known someone for a long time, doesn't necessarily mean that you like them. Since I'm getting older, I notice there's really no escaping the inevitable. Given enough rope, some people will find a way to hang themselves. It's almost a mystery how they manage it.


Badlittlepup, no worries these people will see this. They couldn't find their way to this forum, let alone this exact thread with a map and a sherpa guide. And even if they did, they wouldn't recognize themselves. That's why I love this forum. I can be myself and the odds that someone I know will see it are practically nil.


Meow Sierra!.

I wouldn't want to cross thou.

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It's a very rare person who doesn't have their idiotic side. My own is probably the one which manifests itself on SF, getting into petty and interminable slanging matches with people who wind me up. What a waste of time and energy, but once I get that bit between my teeth....


I have one friend who has fantastic inter-personal skills and is very well judged in his general approach to people and issues etc. But when it comes to doing anything manual, he almost seems to take pride in his seemingly cultivated lack of apptitude, and chaotic, slap dash approach which makes everything twice as hard. It's almost like it's beneath him to waste even a little bit of his brain power on such banality. Anyone who didn't know him and saw him doing manual work might easily mistake him for an idiot.


Bering an idiot about financial matters is one thing you won't get away with, though. It is up there with being a social skills idiot as something which can have dire and lasting consequences. Most other forms of idiocy are dealable with, so long as there's something to compensate.

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Yep, thats why we all like you Sierra :love:


Hi Sierra :wave::love::cool: Keep on ranting (in your own controlled ranting sort of way....)


Let it all out :thumbsup:




And I love you all too.


Draggle, this is waayyy cheaper than a therapist. :)


I don't like er..I duz lubz er me. Hic!


Right back at 'ya, kid. :hihi:

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Meow Sierra!.

I wouldn't want to cross thou.


Oh, I'm not that bad, am I?


If you want to see scary, you should meet my mother. Lovely to look at, impeccable manners...but she once told my dad she'd kill him before he divorced her. And I believe she would have. Ooooookay, enough about her.

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