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Calling all bikers who wants a swap?

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There's loads of bikes i'd love to ride but i just never have the chance. So here's a suggestion. I'd swap a ride on my bike for a ride on someone elses. Say in the event of a crash etc a gentlemans agreement that he or she will repair / replace. simple. so I'll start. I have a tuned / modified bandit 1200 and I'd like to ride a good 450cc+ supermoto, an aprillia tuono and a good 400cc cbr vfr sports bike. Who's up for a swap?

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fred, i think most people arnt as trusting as you and then theres the insurance issue if your not covered. I ride my 04 600rr and wouldnt let anyone ride it because its simply my baby and I wouldnt want anyone trying to be valentino rossi on it. Best off arranging a test ride at a dealership, they dont mind lettinng bikes out for a few hours, i tested a new blade the other day with no intention to buy it, just fancied a ride on one.

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sensible reply CBR dave. My ZX9R is precious to me, as most bikes are to their owners. the general feeling is 'why allow someone else to thrash it about?' Which is understandable. i ran a couple of ride-outs at trhe start of the year for Sheff.Forum'ers but then sacked it off becuase I realised that it's not so much fun constantly waiting for folk to catch up / make it through traffic lights as one group etc... might be interested in a smaller group of similar minded riders stioll though (when weather gets better)

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my mates and i always swap bikes. it's nice to ride bikes you wouldn't think of riding. the best bike i've ever ridden is a 35 bhp Aprillia Pegaso. so much fun. I can see your point of view about wannabe racers etc but are you not at least interested in trying other bikes? and i dont mean brand new bikes, i'd never ever buy new so why try the fastest latest thing when i'm after a 5 year old bike? as for insurance, generally you're only covered for t.p.o. when riding someone elses bike so thats where the gentlemans agreement comes into play. and thrashing the bike? as long as the oil is warm and tyres are up to temp how do you thrash a modern bike? Nick.

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Can i ask u fred, how you got into biking, i manual bike as mountain bike which is probably a little bit of a snore for ypu, but ive always found bikes interesting. The furthest ive been is the back of a 60cc scooter 'woo hoo' just wondered what drove you to being a biker really?

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marmite, all my family are into bikes. One of my earliest memories is being taken to nursery on the back of a kawasaki 900. i had my first bike when i was 3, so here i am. if you fancy a ride on the back let me know. I'd love a go on your 400 sam, only if you ride the bandit though...

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