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Thatcher the Milk Snatcher.

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What are you talking about, I did not respond to that post, Get a grip Guy.


Whoops, I meant denlin. Sorry about ;)


You are getting mixed up on how to do quotes.

Just left click on the quote box in the bottom right hand section and go from there.

Otherwise the quotes get mixed up and people start falling out.:thumbsup:

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Whoops, I meant denlin. Sorry about ;)


You are getting mixed up on how to do quotes.

Just left click on the quote box in the bottom right hand section and go from there.

Otherwise the quotes get mixed up and people start falling out.:thumbsup:


I know how to quote, this threads gone a bit wonky.

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You have that on its head.

The businesses are destroying themselves by excessive greed.

The Unions represent the working man.

How can a working man ever be too greedy?

We create the wealth.

All that is manufactured belongs to us, you have just been tricked out of it.

The capitalist creates nothing, except by smoke and mirrors.

This so called recession is meaningless, it is only because they have knocked the balance a bit too far over that they have a problem.


The wealth of the world is exactly the same now as it was at any time you choose.

How can it not be?

Wealth does not evaporate into outer space.


It is just the latest trick to keep you in your place.


Not so long ago, it was reds under the bed

Next Terrorists

Now Poverty.


They will try any trick.


I didnt see much poverty at Abu Dhabi GP did you?


very true words imo

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You must live in a different country than the rest of us, that old cow ruined this country.


That was a rubbish responce that, denliin; I wouldn't have even bothered.


OK, how about she finished off the working man, set brother against brother, stole milk from children and don't bother trying to blame Harold Wilson, he didn't do it - she did, she could have revoked it but she didn't. She ruined thousands of small businesses who depended on miners for their livelihood while all the time saying she was a grocers daughter when actually 'daddy' owned a chain of supermarkets. I have nothing but contempt where she is concerned, the same as she had for the people of this country in those times. If I believed in an afterlife she would definitely be going down not up

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There's plenty more potato's where that eaten potato came from though.

And there are plenty of people who eat those potatoes. Take another example, an house. It is the same content whether it is in a pile of stone or as a building, but which has more value?


Wealth is massively fluctuating all the time. It can be blown up, grown, set on fire, recycled into something useful. It takes all sorts of forms. It can be worked for quite easily, or hard work can be fruitless. It is hugely abstract.

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That was a rubbish responce that, denliin; I wouldn't have even bothered.


OK, how about she finished off the working man, set brother against brother, stole milk from children and don't bother trying to blame Harold Wilson, he didn't do it - she did, she could have revoked it but she didn't. She ruined thousands of small businesses who depended on miners for their livelihood while all the time saying she was a grocers daughter when actually 'daddy' owned a chain of supermarkets. I have nothing but contempt where she is concerned, the same as she had for the people of this country in those times. If I believed in an afterlife she would definitely be going down not up


By God, those are my ideas exactly.

I have never known anyone post on here with proper opinions of Thatcher and get away with it.

You have my full and total support.

But this is a right wing Thatcherite forum, and I dont think this thread will last long.

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Why not?

Do you have a problem with feeding children correctly?

Incidentally, margarine was invented as a butter substitute, to enable vitamins to be given to children.

Provision for children, until say, 14, should be free across the board.

If parents can supply more, all well and good.

But all chidren should be given free school meals, clothing, and milk, regardless of what background.

Child Benefit is in place for this, I know.

But all too often this goes on other, more pressing household bills.


It may cost a few bob more in tax , but would anyone of us miss, say an extra 10 quid tax a month, for that is probably all it would cost.


How about dumb parents keeping their legs shut until they can afford to look after their own kids. Look up the word condom in the dictionary.


Paying for clothing, food, milk for their little darlings. Rediculous.

What's next free house, bills paid for, transport subsidised for the little......... oh wait yeah some breeders already get that.

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