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Thatcher the Milk Snatcher.

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With regards to the Miners Strike and Thatcher.

Only last night, I was speaking to an old friend of mine, who was an out of area copper during the strike.

Recently, he has been working in the Ponte and Wakefield areas.

He was telling me how much damage he realises has been done by the destruction of industry in those parts.

How the young people are so hopeless, and how he feels guilty that he was a main part of this destruction.

I told him, as I know now, that he was just a tool in the destruction, and not really to feel any blame.

When even the coppers who were Thatchers tools are feeling guilt in their old age, it shows how evil that woman is.

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How about dumb parents keeping their legs shut until they can afford to look after their own kids. Look up the word condom in the dictionary.


Paying for clothing, food, milk for their little darlings. Rediculous.

What's next free house, bills paid for, transport subsidised for the little......... oh wait yeah some breeders already get that.


Were you around in those times? because the milk thing was just symptomatic of that old bat's heartless uncaring determination to put the working class in their place:roll::roll:

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With regards to the Miners Strike and Thatcher.

Only last night, I was speaking to an old friend of mine, who was an out of area copper during the strike.

Recently, he has been working in the Ponte and Wakefield areas.

He was telling me how much damage he realises has been done by the destruction of industry in those parts.

How the young people are so hopeless, and how he feels guilty that he was a main part of this destruction.

I told him, as I know now, that he was just a tool in the destruction, and not really to feel any blame.

When even the coppers who were Thatchers tools are feeling guilt in their old age, it shows how evil that woman is.


hiya not only was she evil she led an evil government at the time, can you imagine the thousands who lost their jobs to be told on yer bike and find another one, another you were told to find work in service industries, another that sucks was a forward to the dhss was, under no sercumstances forward information to what claimants can claim, unless they know what they can claim.

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And there are plenty of people who eat those potatoes. Take another example, an house. It is the same content whether it is in a pile of stone or as a building, but which has more value?


Wealth is massively fluctuating all the time. It can be blown up, grown, set on fire, recycled into something useful. It takes all sorts of forms. It can be worked for quite easily, or hard work can be fruitless. It is hugely abstract.


Yes, I completely agree.

But wealth is only the reflection of human labour.

If we only take into account of only one instance.

A footballer may be astonishingly wealthy.

He has not earned it by any means of production.

He has created no wealth.

But because the workers, who have created wealth, need entertainment, they are willing to pay to see this man play football.

If enough are willing to pay a proportion of their share, he becomes very wealthy, that is fair enough.


Capitalism is a different kettle of fish altogether.


They are doing nothing.

It is just a matter of putting money in, when it may pay out, and removing when it doesnt. Money being the lifeblood of all productive industry, as without it the whole system seizes.

We have now come to a merry situation.


The main manufacturing country is China.

It is a communist country

Pretending to be a Capitalist country.

What will happen now?

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Were you around in those times? because the milk thing was just symptomatic of that old bat's heartless uncaring determination to put the working class in their place:roll::roll:


Yes I was around in "those times" actually. My granddad was one of the very steel workers she laid off. My mother was also a worker with the GPO before it was sold off to make way for BT.


Guess what. We survived. I was brought up to realise that if you want good things in life, buy a house and raise a family you have to earn it. To earn it you need a job. If you lose a job, you work hard to get another one. You re-educate, retrain and adapt.


My granddad took his practical skills and worked in vehicle maintainence. My mother retrained as a manager and worked in BT for 25 years following her redundnacy from the ex GPO.


I am one of four kids all raised on money earned. Both my parents worked. We did not have handouts, benefits, food, free school meals or subsidised housing. How on earth did we survive thatcher and her evil ways eh?


Errrm, by not sitting on our backsides blaming everyone else. By actually getting off our behinds and doing something about the situation. Just like our family is doing through this recession. Its not rocket science. Its just attitude.

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Yes I was around in "those times" actually. My granddad was one of the very steel workers she laid off. My mother was also a worker with the GPO before it was sold off to make way for BT.


Guess what. We survived. I was brought up to realise that if you want good things in life, buy a house and raise a family you have to earn it. To earn it you need a job. If you lose a job, you work hard to get another one. You re-educate, retrain and adapt.


My granddad took his practical skills and worked in vehicle maintainence. My mother retrained as a manager and worked in BT for 25 years following her redundnacy from the ex GPO.


I am one of four kids all raised on money earned. Both my parents worked. We did not have handouts, benefits, food, free school meals or subsidised housing. How on earth did we survive thatcher and her evil ways eh?


Errrm, by not sitting on our backsides blaming everyone else. By actually getting off our behinds and doing something about the situation. Just like our family is doing through this recession. Its not rocket science. Its just attitude.


Yes, and you certainly have attitude.

What do you think everyone else did during those horrible times?

We all retrained and reeducated, how do you think we are here ?

We all did not need to get off our backsides because most od us were already working full time.

If your family needed to be kicked off its collective backsides so be it.


The good, hardworking traditional industries of Yorkshire, Thatcher destroyed.


Steelworking. Mining. Textiles, Carpet Weaving. Machine Tools.

All gone, because we dared to defy her.


Not a Leader, a bullying Thug is what she was.

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She would agree. It wasn't her idea and she opposed it.


(I realize that the following quote might as well be written in invisible ink as far as some forumers go, but if anyone is interested in actual facts rather than stale old "received wisdom", read on.)





I should also point out that the biggest “milk snatchers” were Labour. In 1968 they took free school milk away from all 11 to 18 year olds. (link)






I guess building schools on the never never using PFI (as Labour did) is seen as somehow better than paying for them out of money you actually have.


Flagship PFI schools are "significantly worse"


Public works dream turned into two decades of disaster


Private Finance Initiative: where did all go wrong?


More on the disaster of the PFI


'Naivety' blamed for PFI fiasco


PFI always was a Pretty Farcical Idea






Howdo Baaaaaarnsley Bill - yet more guff from our resident David Icke worshipper!

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Thatcher did much more than people give her credit for. But most of all she gave the children of hard working northern folk an excuse to sit on their backsides and moan, complain and generally take no responsibility for their own failings.


What made the north the powerhouse of the UK was the people, but they are long gone and in their place are a bunch of whiny, work-shy benefit addicts in the large part.

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Thatcher did much more than people give her credit for. But most of all she gave the children of hard working northern folk an excuse to sit on their backsides and moan, complain and generally take no responsibility for their own failings.


What made the north the powerhouse of the UK was the people, but they are long gone and in their place are a bunch of whiny, work-shy benefit addicts in the large part.


They are long gone because that evil old bat broke them, so what did she do then that helped the hard working people of Britain?

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