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Thatcher the Milk Snatcher.

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one of the worst things Thatcher did was selling off the Utility companies such as gas and electricity. We were bribed to accept it with promises of cheap shares.


This, we were told, was supposed to break up the monopolies and create competition, thus bringing prices down. Does anybody honestly believe the situation we are now in with the energy companies is better?


As far as I'm aware Britain no longer owns a single energy company, Scottish Power being owned by Spain etc.

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one of the worst things Thatcher did was selling off the Utility companies such as gas and electricity. We were bribed to accept it with promises of cheap shares.


This, we were told, was supposed to break up the monopolies and create competition, thus bringing prices down. Does anybody honestly believe the situation we are now in with the energy companies is better?


As far as I'm aware Britain no longer owns a single energy company, Scottish Power being owned by Spain etc.


We own nothing any more, not one thing, she sold everthing, at the lowest price.


We still have a bit of the NHS, but most of that is owned by Balfour Beattty.

Who have no idea .

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Just what I thought you'd say (though I didn't guess the asset striping part, that seems bizarre) :huh:


So you would throw the chance to put 450,000 in work; many of the 450,000 paying income tax; up to 450,000 less claimants; £100m in the bag; and you'd get a percentage in income tax from the other £3.4b. You'd let all that go because it isn't enough?


I'd say it was you (as a PM) who would be a greedy one, not to mention stupid and unlikely to get voted back in.



Though it was hypothetical, I was using Tescos as the example in terms of figures. I'm not sure how many Tesco employees are agency workers.

i know it was hypothetical but i wasnt using tesco as an example. i was using what i thought you would do seeing as you think its ok for people to pay less tax and agency workers come into that criteria,so wouldnt be paying as much as what you would have thought :hihi:
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one of the worst things Thatcher did was selling off the Utility companies such as gas and electricity. We were bribed to accept it with promises of cheap shares.


This, we were told, was supposed to break up the monopolies and create competition, thus bringing prices down. Does anybody honestly believe the situation we are now in with the energy companies is better?


As far as I'm aware Britain no longer owns a single energy company, Scottish Power being owned by Spain etc.


The British people own thousands of companies that are run quite successfully without government control. I remember the good old days when state run power companies had power cuts every winter and we all sat round a candle to keep warm.

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My family have always worked full time. We needed no kick up the backside. ......you clearly dont get it.


The point that I am trying to make is that people are still harping on about a woman who has not been in power for 21 years and blaming her for 'ruining' british industry.


She was not a bullying thug. The unions were the bullies. She just had the balls to stand up to them. Unlike the labourites who would pussy foot around them and most likely jump into bed with them.


Industry was changing and could not carry on the way it was. With or without Thatcher jobs would have been cut. The public were just as much to blame. New manufacturing techniques were starting the develop overseas, better quality products were being made overseas for a much cheaper price and we ignored it all. We continued with our unionised hours and breaks and holidays and sickness days and strike days, general lazy working practices and plodding production lines.


The fact is our foreign owned and invested Sheffield Steel works make more steel for the city now than most of the 80s works put together.


You talk about textiles and carpet weaving but these industries were out of the door years ago. Consumer demand and production methods revolutionised the whole industry and once again we missed to boat and carried on as usual.


Bosses must have been blind to fail to see the change in what consumers were prepared to pay and how new suppliers would mean very few would pay extra for a british made product with its poor quality and expensive price tag.


Remember those "quality" british made cars, electricals and computers. Bits missing, falling apart, poorly designed and generally obsolete compared to our foreign competitors. Our nationalised industry dinosaurs losing the public purse millions with those rediculous union bullying tactics grinding works down to a hault on a regular basis.


I agree with you that everyone has carried on surviving with the new jobs were developed and people filling them. So why keep bring the dreaded Mrs T up all the time. Its gone. Its over.


All this talk of the north still feeling the effects and people STILL out of work is just baloney. Those mining towns allegedly full of 2011 youth with no hope is just madness. THEY are the ones who need a kick up the backside. Some of those kids were only born in the late 90s, had a home life and education as far as they are willing to put the effort into. They have no excuses for their lack of ambition and certainly thatcher aint one.


What steel industry in Sheffield? most of the steel is now foreign imported cheap rubbish, there is no Sheffield steel my friend. How old are you? I knew people who had businesses that went under due to her systematic crushing of the mining industry and people went and hung themselves for crying out loud, would you like to tell your bunkum to their loved ones?

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My family have always worked full time. We needed no kick up the backside. ......you clearly dont get it.


The point that I am trying to make is that people are still harping on about a woman who has not been in power for 21 years and blaming her for 'ruining' british industry.


She was not a bullying thug. The unions were the bullies. She just had the balls to stand up to them. Unlike the labourites who would pussy foot around them and most likely jump into bed with them.


Industry was changing and could not carry on the way it was. With or without Thatcher jobs would have been cut. The public were just as much to blame. New manufacturing techniques were starting the develop overseas, better quality products were being made overseas for a much cheaper price and we ignored it all. We continued with our unionised hours and breaks and holidays and sickness days and strike days, general lazy working practices and plodding production lines.


The fact is our foreign owned and invested Sheffield Steel works make more steel for the city now than most of the 80s works put together.


You talk about textiles and carpet weaving but these industries were out of the door years ago. Consumer demand and production methods revolutionised the whole industry and once again we missed to boat and carried on as usual.


Bosses must have been blind to fail to see the change in what consumers were prepared to pay and how new suppliers would mean very few would pay extra for a british made product with its poor quality and expensive price tag.


Remember those "quality" british made cars, electricals and computers. Bits missing, falling apart, poorly designed and generally obsolete compared to our foreign competitors. Our nationalised industry dinosaurs losing the public purse millions with those rediculous union bullying tactics grinding works down to a hault on a regular basis.


I agree with you that everyone has carried on surviving with the new jobs were developed and people filling them. So why keep bring the dreaded Mrs T up all the time. Its gone. Its over.


All this talk of the north still feeling the effects and people STILL out of work is just baloney. Those mining towns allegedly full of 2011 youth with no hope is just madness. THEY are the ones who need a kick up the backside. Some of those kids were only born in the late 90s, had a home life and education as far as they are willing to put the effort into. They have no excuses for their lack of ambition and certainly thatcher aint one.


She was a bullying tyrant that preeched Greed, selfishness and victimisation of the masses. End of. No matter what people try and say, they can't change history ... but thanks for trying, you've made us giggle.

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She was a bullying tyrant that preeched Greed, selfishness and victimisation of the masses. End of. No matter what people try and say, they can't change history ... but thanks for trying, you've made us giggle.



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What steel industry in Sheffield? most of the steel is now foreign imported cheap rubbish, there is no Sheffield steel my friend. How old are you? I knew people who had businesses that went under due to her systematic crushing of the mining industry and people went and hung themselves for crying out loud, would you like to tell your bunkum to their loved ones?


She was a bullying tyrant that preeched Greed, selfishness and victimisation of the masses. End of. No matter what people try and say, they can't change history ... but thanks for trying, you've made us giggle.


:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: I wish I could tell jokes this good or well I leave the funny stuff to you two.

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