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Thatcher the Milk Snatcher.

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Was he? I thought it was just Britain:rolleyes:


He actually saved the capitalist system, and you should be on bended knee to him.

Without his resolute action it would have fallen.


I would have let the whole lot fall and see the outcome.

It would not be pleasant and billions would die without it.

But at least we would be rid of it.

And a new dawn would come.

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But he's the closest thing Labour had to an old-style socialist, so in the eyes of the left wing sympathisers (and people who openly admit a background of being communist, like Balpin), he's above criticism.


Just like Thatcher in your eyes then

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But he's the closest thing Labour had to an old-style socialist, so in the eyes of the left wing sympathisers (and people who openly admit a background of being communist, like Balpin), he's above criticism.


When did I say I was a communist?

Refresh my memory.

You know more about me than I do.:hihi:

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That is actually untrue. What Thatcher did was to create a situation where inefficient nationalised industries were forced to get rid of excess labour and compete in the international market.


Not quite true - for instance, whilst the UK was producing coal, eastern europe were prepared to sell their coal to us at a far lower rate than we could sell... As soon as the mines closed, they soon took advantage and the prices shot through the roof... This was obviously going to happen, but Thatcher could not turn back down a wrong road after she had gone so far down it - her ego and pride just could not let her! She wanted to beat the working classes and their strikes, and she did... We've been a mile behind everyone else (Germany, France etc) since...

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You, and your family members must have been amongst the lucky ones, Mr Smith.


I know of children for whom their school dinner was their only decent meal. I remember one little girl in my stepson's class at school who wore her older brother's football shorts as knickers, and whose shoes were a pair of Wellington boots with the top part cut off, to look like shoes. This child was always hungry, the poor little mite, and she was filthy-dirty, despite there being unlimited hot water "on tap" (No pun intended) through the flats' district heating scheme at the time.


I think you may have simply known a mucky family there - there is and always will be at least one or two of those about! My granddad was a miner, and he lived in a lovely house with nice food and lots of holidays for him and his family... He wasn't a manager or anything there, just a face worker (who may have recieved a bit more 'danger money' but not loads)... I remember that my Dad did his job for a short time, and said it was hell on earth - but whilst he was doing it, I wasn't elligible for a full student grant as he earned too much! I think some mining famillies might have drank, smoked and gambled their money away, unfortunately...

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