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Thatcher the Milk Snatcher.

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I don't think that is fair at all, and not in anyway related to the post you quoted - Thatcher shut down the bulk of the UKs manfacturing bases, and many people who worked in them were not prepared to relocate to the south, and some simply weren't bright enough to start a new trade... It rocked the working classes as industrial work was seen as a job for life, and some of these jobs required little interlect... There needs to be work for such people, just because they won't be passing any exams any time soon does not mean that they did not want a job... Since then, we had those who were immediately affected becoming bitter, their kids sitting on the dole as they didn't see the point in trying, and their grandkids and great grandkids filling the world with 'neets'... When you start getting third and fourth gen unemployment, it's a hard slog to get them into work...



Your post shows great insight into why parts of England are in the state they they are in today. Thatchers evil legacy does live on. The cancer that she started is still spreading and may not finish until it kills the country.

The devil makes work for idle hands.

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Your post shows great insight into why parts of England are in the state they they are in today. Thatchers evil legacy does live on. The cancer that she started is still spreading and may not finish until it kills the country.

The devil makes work for idle hands.


Surely not, she is god isn't she?

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Your post shows great insight into why parts of England are in the state they they are in today. Thatchers evil legacy does live on. The cancer that she started is still spreading and may not finish until it kills the country.

The devil makes work for idle hands.


Myths can be perpetuated for centuries.

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That's good then, because people should never forget how bad she was.


I'm sure some people will be happy to perpetuate the myth and many people will be happy to believe it, fortunately the majority are capable of reading and know the truth.


Not that it makes a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things.

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I'm sure some people will be happy to perpetuate the myth and many people will be happy to believe it, fortunately the majority are capable of reading and know the truth.


Not that it makes a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things.


What "grand scheme of things" is that then?

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I'm sure some people will be happy to perpetuate the myth and many people will be happy to believe it, fortunately the majority are capable of reading and know the truth.


Not that it makes a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things.


Now you are just trolling so I shall ignore you.

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Blast from the past - he was a man after Thatcher's heart! Bought in to wind things up, before winding them down...


For Smith - we weren't bringing coal to the surface at the price it could be bought from abroad, but as soon as we stopped mining, the overseas prices rocketted... That was obviously going to happen, but Thatcher just wanted to beat the miners and their unions - regardless of cost to people's lives and the country...


Nail on the head there... You could also have used that example about the steel industry:- imports of inferior foreign steel at premium prices.

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