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Thatcher the Milk Snatcher.

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I know, the mines killed my father, I didn't say they should have paid a lower wage I said they were uncompetitive.

I could start a business tomorrow, employ staff and pay them well, but if the end result is that my product is more expensive than a competitor I won’t stay in business very long.


Where were these new manufacturers that Thatcher created? I have yet to hear this one - you keep saying manufacturing increased, yet there were millions unemployed in her reign...

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Are you trying to be funny?:hihi::hihi:


not really, I was born in 79 so am old enough to be informed and young enough to not know those times intimately.

It's a serious point really, 'Thatcher killed mining'. Did she really Or did she just show a union that she had a bigger resource of power at her disposal than the threat of lack of coal?

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not really, I was born in 79 so am old enough to be informed and young enough to not know those times intimately.

It's a serious point really, 'Thatcher killed mining'. Did she really Or did she just show a union that she had a bigger resource of power at her disposal than the threat of lack of coal?


It was deeper than that, she had a plan to break the British working man and she was ruthless in that she didn't care about the human beings affected by this 'strategy'

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Posting the same things over and over with no evidence other than calling people 'snatcher', 'narrow minded', 'old cow', 'old bat' etc, along with insults at people, from people who either aren't old enough to know better, or can't have a reasoned debate because of personal feelings.


Maybe because we were there Ash and you aren't old enough to have been. The facts are that she did take milk from children, ruin British Industry, cause people to commit suicide, send small businesses to the wall - yes she does get called names, she deserves it


The latter then.

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not really, I was born in 79 so am old enough to be informed and young enough to not know those times intimately.

It's a serious point really, 'Thatcher killed mining'. Did she really Or did she just show a union that she had a bigger resource of power at her disposal than the threat of lack of coal?


Bad choice of example, most of the industries that this thread refers to would have migrated elsewhere as we became less competitive due to ever increasing unrealistic union demands. However the coal industry achieved all of the targets that it was set which meant that as demand was falling the country needed fewer pits. You are correct in your basic statement though as Harworth Colliery is still mothballed and doesn't look as though it will be re-opened, possibly because no one is prepared to pay for the coal it would produce.

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She was / is a nasty peice of work. I cannot think of anything good to say about her.


I hated the woman's politics, but in the interest of balance...



She meant what she said and got things done, unlike the current useless lot. Whether you liked what she did is another matter...


She was strong and prepared to go it alone when others disagreed with her, so strong was her conviction.


She really fought Britain's corner in the EU, getting back a lot of money we'd paid in subsidies. She knew the value of money.


She came from a working/middle class background, unlike the hooray henrys we have to put up with today. The Civil Service mandarins made fun of her for not being part of their club.


No evidence to support this that I know of, but she seemed pretty incorruptable compared with the slimeballs in politics today.


It's a pity we don't have politicians of her strength around today when we so need them. Imagine what she could achieve if only she hadn't been so politically misguided.

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Bad choice of example, most of the industries that this thread refers to would have migrated elsewhere as we became less competitive due to ever increasing unrealistic union demands. However the coal industry achieved all of the targets that it was set which meant that as demand was falling the country needed fewer pits. You are correct in your basic statement though as Harworth Colliery is still mothballed and doesn't look as though it will be re-opened, possibly because no one is prepared to pay for the coal it would produce.


What unrealistic union demands are you referring to?

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I'm sure some people will be happy to perpetuate the myth and many people will be happy to believe it, fortunately the majority are capable of reading and know the truth.


Not that it makes a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things.


Rather than reading the truth why not listen to those that lived through it.


It’s probably more about how you interpret what you read, facts are facts but people’s interpretation of those facts can be clouded by emotions, and hatred is a very strong emotion



Very funny how does it go ……….. lies damn lies and statistics.

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