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Thatcher the Milk Snatcher.

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Do some of you really think it would have been better if we'd continued with the union dominance of British industry that we'd had in the 70s? Our car industry was destroyed by the unions, in no small measure they brought about the demise of the mining industry (not steel which actually continued to have rising outputs long after Thatcher's government).


Various PMs Conservative and Labour had failed to control the unions. For those who remember the 70s, we had the 3 day week, power cuts, uncollected rubbish on the streets, unburied bodies, days when even the tabloids weren't printed, because the unions were strangling the country through their own mixture of financial greed and utterly misguided militant left wing policies. Any talk of efficiencies or even labour saving technology would lead to walk-outs, because some people hadn’t learned from the Luddites, and some still haven’t to this day.


Even many in the Labour party (the sensible ones anyway) acknowledged that without union reform Britain was doomed, and the economic prosperity we’ve had for more than two decades up to current recession would not have happened were it not for Thatcher’s actions in stamping down the unions. People upset about the mining industry now should consider how we’d be if we had none of our industries left functioning, as would have been the case if the unions had not been controlled.


She put property ownership within reach of people who could not have dreamed before of the financial security of being home owners.

She supported Reagan in ending the Cold War, perhaps not a positive achievement to many of the communists and hard line socialists who frequent this forum and had greater sympathies for the Soviet system, but a great contribution to world history all the same.

She also fought hard to win us much better financial deals with the EU than they wanted to give us, saving many billions over the coming years.


She is indeed reviled by the people of some northern cities who selfishly refuse to look at the greater needs of the country over the needs of their industry, but it’s good to know that she’s still adored in the rest of England and in most towns people doff their cap to her car when she passes. It’s also common for her to receive standing ovations of clapping when she leaves a restaurant or theatre to this day by the adoring public. I like to reflect on the support and public adoration she continues to receive in the South, because most people have the sense to appreciate her tenure as PM and remind her of that. Some bitter, hateful, small-minded northerners aside, that is.


I read this somewhere, can’t remember where:

“In the first half of the 20th century, we had Winston Churchill and Lloyd George. In the second half of the century, there was Margaret Thatcher alone”.


How can you adore someone who actively supported a killer and torturer


http://www.livingstandards.org/features/pay/ .this demonstrates how her policies enhanced the lives of the poorest people (not).Note how the top 1% started to race up the income ladder.

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What was to be despised about Thatcher was that she made the policy of 'the end justifies the means' politically acceptable.

The clear policy of smashing the miners union. This was meticulously planned and executed and relied on the knowledge that Arthur Scargill would march the miners into oblivion like lemmings over a cliff. This was not in the interests of business or economics, it was for ideological reasons. Whole communities were destroyed and some still haven't recovered. Don't for a minute believe that Thatcher didn't know this would happen.




The nail is hit squarely on the head, there!

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It seems that way.


I'm yet to read comments written on here by by a Tory describing their hatred for other people, but the lefties spew their vitriolic hatred at every opportunity - then call Conservatives the 'Nasty party'. Funny old world.


Scum seems to be a popular adjective used on both sides.

Even the conservatives admitted that they wanted to get away from the nasty party image.

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There was no coal left to sustain the industry!!.........Look at how were are now with petrol, Bp making 400billion , and us barely able to afford to drive. Sorry off topic.......


We had coal reserves for 200 years.

We dont now, as all the pits are capped off and backfilled.

Also all the miners are retired, so we have no one with the ability to win the coal, even if we had the pits open.

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Which area of Nottinghamshire was his pit in?

nail = head

Actually it wasn't, it was a cheap dig, and it surprised me that you congratulate it. Thinking for yourself seems to looked down upon in much of this thread - why people like this 'follow the sheep' mentality is beyond me.


Smith pointed out...


Nope, Yorkshire but he could think for himself, he didn't need the NUM telling him what do or think. He was always of the opinion that if every miner had worked hard more of the mines could have been saved, but we all know there were a good percentage of miners that did as little as they could get away with, which no doubt contributed to them being uncompetitive.


Sounds like a wise man. I bet he didn't sit around a dead community for 30 years complaining and doing nothing about it.


If it’s taking 200 men to do the work that 100 could do, then the price of the end product will be higher because the business overheads are higher, which could make a business uncompetitive.

The bottom line was other countries could get it out of the ground cheaper than the UK and the use coal had been in decline for decades.


Basic economics is wasted on some people, I would have saved my [typing] breath.


I loved the banner at the end:



"Give Youth a Future"................even more pertinent now.


Thatcher the Snatcher ....still destroying the aspirations of working and middle class youth.......30 years on!


Doesn't really say much about the great British people does it?


The human race wouldn't have made it this far if our ancestors didn't move on when resources no longer were worthwhile. :roll:

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A lot of us wouldn't want to return to the rotten, wet, filthy, hot, cold job we had. Yup, the pay was good, the job wasn't.


Ask an ex miner what he thinks of Thatcher.

I'd probably still be working in that stinking hole now. 18 years on.


Thankfully I moved on. I drive a taxi now :)

I'm still on less money now, than I was then !!

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