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What did you do this weekend? (I baked bread!)

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Never attempted by me before, today I baked some bread and because they came out well I thought I'd share (probably wouldn't have bothered if they were rubbish) :rolleyes:


They look pretty yummy if I do say so myself :D


Having got old of a copy of 'The Curry Secret' by Kris Dillon some time back, I thought I'd give Chappati making a go too - after the third attempt yesterday I got them puffing up like balloons before settling, perfect - I'm feeling quite pleased with myself ;)


Anyway, what did you do this weekend? Any triumphs, disasters, or just taking it easy?

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I have just returned from a wedding celebration.

I have met family members I have not seen for years, and remade old friendships.

I have met some old friends I have not met for 20 years, in some cases.

We were young men and women then, and are the old stagers now, with the toddlers I remember, being grown adults with family of their own.

We have had a really good weekend, and come back with a new zest.

Making up for lost time is now the order of things, before time claims us, as it does all things.

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