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A poll on attitudes to pornography

What is your view on pornography  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your view on pornography

    • I am male and enjoy watching porn
    • I am female and enjoy watching porn
    • I am just not interested/ never watched
    • I watch porn with my partner
    • I am male and find porn disgusting
    • I am female and find porn disgusting

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Put their opinions into a context - i.e. the research - that shows that public officials who deal with rape have a tendency to over-estimate the prevalence of false rape allegations.
Well, unless those researchers have the benefit of divine knowledge of every case, I don't find their opinions to be as meritable as those of the officers involved in the cases.


For example, some determined (and self-convinced) accusers have been treated very simpathetically (and believed) by the receiving officers, but when re-interviewed and presented with evidence raised from interviews with the accused, have crumbled. Why? Because mobile phone video footage has shown them not only to be in control of themselves, but leading the whole encounter. On seeing the footage, the complaint turns to "oh, was I really like that, I'll get my coat . . . ."

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Maybe your life would be more fulfilled if you quit stalking users.




Who in their right mind would want that? It's as close to necrophilia as to make no difference.


For once, I'm inclined to agree:o.


I couldn't agree more. :o However, it does happen. Look at rohypnol.

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And they'd be rapists, but they're not as common as women who get giddy drunk but totally in control of their faculties and the situation, lead a man to bed, feel dirty in the morning and decide (perhaps subconsciously convincing themselves) that rape took place.


For every one of these so called incidents that your mates believe were bogus rape claims, I could cite you an unreported acquaintance rape that has happened to someone I know.

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Well, unless those researchers have the benefit of divine knowledge of every case, I don't find their opinions to be as meritable as those of the officers involved in the cases.


For example, some determined (and self-convinced) accusers have been treated very simpathetically (and believed) by the receiving officers, but when re-interviewed and presented with evidence raised from interviews with the accused, have crumbled. Why? Because mobile phone video footage has shown them not only to be in control of themselves, but leading the whole encounter. On seeing the footage, the complaint turns to "oh, was I really like that, I'll get my coat . . . ."


And, equally, I don't find extrapolating from anecdotal evidence to make sweeping generalisations about the fact that there are more false rape claimants than rapists to be particularly admirable, either.


I've never argued that there aren't any such cases. But any suggestion that false allegations comprise a majority of rape accusations is not only patently untrue but feeds into a culture of suspicion and doubt that hinders effective prosecution of the real cases.


Anyway, this is wildly off-topic now. Can't we get back to porn, please?

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There are a multituide of reasons for that, none of which are to do with a lying woman.


Tell that to Roy Burnett, Craig Charles, Mick Hucknall, John Leslie, Mike Tyson and (more recently) Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

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Put their opinions into a context - i.e. the research - that shows that public officials who deal with rape have a tendency to over-estimate the prevalence of false rape allegations.
Why have more faith in the research, by somebody removed form the coal face, than the experience of those actually dealing with the cases?
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This subject has come up before, and I've discussed it with Police fiends, both male and female.

The scenario I mentioned is very common among rape accusations.


Are the police fiends? I thought that they'd got a bit better these days and were less racist, misogynistic, homophobic and generally brutal.:hihi::hihi:

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Tell that to Craig Charles, Mick Hucknall, John Leslie, Mike Tyson and (more recently) Dominique Strauss-Kahn.


Celebrities are a slightly different kettle of fish in these situations. And two swallows (or 6 in this case) hardly make a summer. And how do you know that they were all innocent ? Even if the woman concerned confessed to lying, who's to say that she wasn't bought off?

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